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After searching for singto for a few months kimmon and the others finally found some news of singto, they've heard from some rouge werewolves that in village D. Werewolves from everywhere that had no other place to go to, werewolves for some unknown reason to them became rejects to their own clan...

Started gathering in village D and the one leading them was a man from the most prominent white clan... Singto.

When kimmon and his friends heard of this piece of information they didn't think twice to check it out but before they've left their current location they've first sent a message to krist and copper, saying where they are to so, that the two could followed them.

However, even though they've finally heard of singto which was a good thing. It also meant that information didn't just landed on just their ears, the elders from their clan and Harvey's men. They've also already heard of this information and much earlier than them.

And Harvey already started his move, this time Harvey planned to make his moves himself while still trying to manipulate the werewolves situation ( the in fighting )


Village D.

Singto didn't knew since when, since when his place became a safe haven for his lost kind, for werewolves like him that their clans treat as an outcast, criminals just because they are different from most of them.

Was it when he accidentally helped a family beta's, who're being chased by vampires? And took custody for their child, unfortunately, he was too late and could only save the child.

Or was it when he helped a werewolf woman whom was about to be killed by humans hunter. It seemed like there was too many instances that he unintentionally and help without thinking about the consequences of his actions for him to remember when his kinds started gathering around him, some of them was rogues and rejects from their own clan.

As kind as he was singto didn't had the heart to turned them away because he could sympathize with them, he knew very how it was for your own kin not accepting who he was, that's why when his companions continued to grew he decided to left the house he built himself in the plains.

And brought them to a nearby mountain which was more suitable and safe for their kin to live on.


" dada! " the little cute chubby boy called out to singto who was looking for fish in the lake near their hut. Singto looked back at the kid as a gentle smile appeared his handsome face." Lian, you're awake sweetie, just wait a sec and I'll make you foods, okay?." Lian was the child of both black werewolves who singto took in when the kid's parents died.

He was a three year old boy when he and parents were attacked by the vampires as a kid he didn't remember much but he knew singto was not his real dad because the night they got attacked he could still faintly felt the hard embrace of her mother as she made sure he wouldn't fall off while they ran away.

as his father tried hard enough to fought off their pursuers and singto had also told him before about his parents departure, nonetheless,
When Lian started living with singto it took him no time in warming up with the young man, because even though he was a child with no real life  knowledge he could felt that singto was nice and kind... Kind enough to allowed Lian to called him " dada " when he had heard Lian calling for his parents in his sleep.

Hearing the pitiful calling of the child for his parents made singto's heart broke so, Singto said to the young boy with awkwardness." boy, i don't know about being a parent... But, you could call me dad if you want, i wouldn't be able to replace your parents love but, I'm willing to be your new family and  love you as much as i can."


In the afternoon.

The mountain became noisy, as the signals of the presence of intruder were alarmed. Indicating for the residents of the said mountain that there was outsider ( vampires and humans ) or possibly pursuers as almost all of them were runaways from their clans.

New a mechanism greek was the one who proposed and made this alarm, he loves human's knowledge so much that he was willing to go against his clan rules resulting to his current situation.

it was one of his way to contribute to their new community and to help singto to for him was his saviour. New was smart he already foresaw that a day will come that their whereabouts will be known to those who wanted their heads that's why he laid some traps and triggers in to the mountain's range, only the residents of their mountain will knew the whereabouts of this traps and triggers.

" leader, what should we do?! " a tall and bulky man asked. Thinking, singto looked at the people that gathered in front of him, women and children who looked alarm and afraid while the mens looked as if they are already ready to kill someone.

Who wouldn't? They finally found their place and peace they are not about to let those people who turned their backs on them or those vampires to take it away from them.

" some of you go with me in the place the alarm was triggered while the other stay here and make sure that the others are safe." singto gave out orders as he gestured his hand.


After the long journey singto's mother and his friends finally managed to found their way in the foot of the mountain, where it was rumored to be the hideout of singto and his new companions.

They were very glad and excited when they've arrived however, the moment they've set foot in the mountain land a sound started going off and took them all off guard." what the actual fuck!?! That shocked me! " Off exclaimed!

" what was that?! Does singto really staying here? "

" should we go in farther or get out of here? "

" no, we let go in farther... An alarm goes off so, it means there are traps too. We don't know the terrain here so, it dangerous."

" kimmon was right, let's just stay put first and wait for this mountain residents to show themselves, just be on your guard."


" hey, why don't we attack them now while they're still staying still." guard A said, already impatient from just watching the group of intruders.

" we can't! Did you already forgot, leader's instructions." guard B respond strictly. Singto prohibited them to indiscriminately attacking any people that wander in their turf.

It was not just because singto doesn't want to harm others because they can't help humans into entering the mountain, right?.  most of them knew singto forbid them because he cares about them, singto doesn't like the idea of his people being in danger that's why he adamantly told them " don't just blindly attack the intruders specially if you are outnumbered, make sure to wait for us, i don't want Unnecessary sacrifices, that's all i ask from you guys if you want to stay with me! "

Guard A just clicked his tongue, even though he knew that's it's for their own safety, he can't help to get aggravated it was in their nature to be aggressive specially in face of threats but he wouldn't want to disobey singto's words because just like everyone he too, respected singto.

After waiting for awhile singto and the rest of the men in their group arrived." where are the intruders?." singto asked as soon as he arrived.

" leader!." the two bow in respect, their fist in their hearts. Singto sighed, he couldn't really got used to the way they called and acted towards him, he never saw himself as their leader for singto this peoples are like extended family of him but he guessed he was the only one who thinks so?, and it made him sad inside.


Early update!! Coz i couldn't do the double update like i said the other day 😂😂😂😂

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