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Arthit woke up by the ringing of his cellphone, seemed like his father already calling him because he didn't came like what he had previously said.

Rubbing his eyes, arthit grope in the bedside table for his mobile phone, however, he didn't find it. Remembering where he had put it Last night, he begrudgingly dragged his body out of bed and went to the cabinet beside the mirror, yawning as he walked.

" hello? " arthit answered, " why didn't you go home yesterday? Did something happened? " he was instantly awake by the worried voice in the other line. " sam? I'm sorry, there was an urgent matter yesterday that's why i didn't manage to go home,  but there's nothing to worry, I'm fine, I'll go home later." he hurried as he looked at the body in his bed.

Sam was arthit's so called father, however, he never called sam ' father '  as far as he could never he always called his father just Sam, cause he somewhat felt awkward calling him father and sam never find faults in it, hr never mind if arthit's call his name casually.

Needless to say that Sam and arthit aren't related to blood as a family in the Vampire society was really complicated, some of them just form a family for the sake of convenience while some do so, because they still yearned the warmth of the so called family. And to arthit's understanding Sam was the latter, Sam was a sentimental guy.

He values very much his bonds with others that's why, arthit was thankful that he got Sam as his father even though, Sam had always been and constantly had excessive worry about him. He didn't know why Sam, would be worried about him even if he just forgot to message him. In other words  Sam had been super protective towards him.

" are you sure nothing happened? You didn't got hurt or anything? "

" yes, I'm sure... Just got to comfort someone yesterday, but nothing worrisome happened, so, ease your mind — right, I'll be bringing someone later there."

" that's good then, hmm... Well, no problem, Who is it? "

" you'll see later... someone really special to me."


After the call, arthit glanced at the window. He saw that the sun was already in the sky, showing off his glare. He smiled as he thought that he should wake his sleeping beauty.

He strolled to the bathroom, opened the faucet and let the water run in the tub before coming out of the bathroom again.

He walked back to the bed, gently sat down. Leaning on, his elbow supporting his weight, he whispered on his ear. " bub, wake up." no reaction. Then he tried again and again, yet the only response he got was, groaned and hummed. Shaking his head, he touched his chin while thinking.

Should i just bring him like this in the tub or wait for him to wake up?

Hmm, we got 6 hours to travel though. Just washed him myself!

Arthit straighten his back, gently passed his right arm into kongpob's neck while the left hooked on kongpob's legs. He positioned him properly first before carrying him up, still sleeping and covered with blanket. Arthit brought him into the bathroom. After removing the blanket from kongpob, he then put him down into the tub.

His body touching the water, Kongpob's eyelushes trembled, but even so, he didn't woke up. Amused, arthit chuckled as he watched him, hand supporting the other's head. " sleepy head wake up already." he whispered. Kongpob groan and hold his arm." five more minutes." arthit shook his head lightly with a warm smile.


After the struggle of waking and bathing kongpob, they're finally on the road and started their long drive onto arthit's hometown. However, the big lion, was still sleeping again. Like a small kitten almost curled up while arthit on the other hand, busy on driving the car, focused on the road.

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