9. New Roomie

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I'm lying in the cool sheets of hotel room. It's late and I should be asleep since I'll have a long day ahead of me tomorrow but I can't get the gorgeous brunette out of my head.

It wasn't the one night stand I had with her. It was the fact that I was drawn to her before I even talked to her. I watched her from across the room debating to take my chances and I'm so glad I did.

I can't stop thinking about her gorgeous smile when she caught me looking at her. Or the way she just relaxed around me while we talked that short time. Don't get me wrong I keep going back to when her legs were wrapped around my waist and hearing her moan against my flesh. I want to hear her again.

I can feel myself hardening under my boxers as I imagine it. I want to feel her soft pink lips against mine and feel our tongue swirl around each other again.

I haven't felt this way about a girl in awhile. I can't wait to see her again. Now knowing she's Avery's best friend and maid of honor I know I'll be seeing her soon enough.

I start to drift off to sleep. Dreaming of the beautiful brown eyed woman.

I reach over to the bedside to the night stand where I left my phone charging last night. I unlock it and see it's 9:03 in the morning. I slide my thumb on the bottom of the screen to unlock my iPhone and I have two messages waiting to be opened. Liam's name appears on the screen asking if I'm awake and what hotel am I staying at so he can come pick me up. I reply back to him and set my phone down. I yank the white sheets off my body and head to the shower. I'm so glad I didn't drink a lot last night. Today would not be a great day to recover from a hangover.

I drop my boxers and step into the hot water. It feels so good. I lather the soap on my body and shampoo my hair. I get out and wrap a towel around me. I brush my teeth, wash my face and head back to the bedroom to finish getting ready.

There's a knock on the door right as I finish lacing my Nikes. I yell for them to come in knowing who it is already.

"You ready brother?" Liam questions me. I nod and grab my duffle bags."At least you don't look like shit, I think I drank my weight in alcohol last night." He confesses to me. " " I had a few drinks last night but I'm trying to cut down on the alcohol now a days." I tell him.

We make it down to the receptionist and I pass her my room key. She's young and beautiful and the old me would've asked for her number or tried to bed her but the new me can't do that anymore. " I hope your stay Mr.Matthews was great and please come back to stay with us again." The blonde flirts with me as she touches my arm. "It was good. Thank you, have a great day." I tell her politely pulling my arm away from her touch.

We head to the parking garage and I load my bags into the back of my brothers truck. It has a shiny black coat and it's lifted. Nice. I have to get me one of these.

We hop in and we drive off. "So it looked like you had a good time with Ev last night." He says through his smirk. I was waiting for him to bring it up. Being caught fucking by my little brother during his party in the bathroom wasn't the brightest ideas I've had but honestly I don't even care. It was worth it. "Yeah. She's nice and I enjoyed her company through out the party." I try to down play it.  "You looked like you more than enjoyed it ." He laughs.
I rake my hands through my hair he knows me to well. "She seems different you know. Not like the other women who throw themselves at me because of my money or my social life. She didn't even recognize me when I walked up to her." I say as I watch the road ahead of us. He stays quiet and taps his thumbs on the steering wheel. I look over at him waiting for him to confess what's on his mind. It doesn't take long before he looks over at me "You like her don't you?" He asks eagerly waiting for my answer. " I mean I like what I saw last night and how I felt comfortable around her but I still got to know her to put a label on what I'm feeling." I reply. "Just promise me you'll treat her good. She's been through enough and she doesn't need more shit on her plate." He tells me.

So I was right.
Last night she was trying to drinking to escape from whatever shit she's going through.
Who would put such a beautiful person like her through shit?

We pull into Liam's drive way and I notice a red Jeep our front. I wonder who's else is here?
I take my bags out of the truck and head inside.
"If you go up the stairs and  down the hall to your right will be your room. You can unpack and come back down for lunch when you're ready." He tells me sounding just like our father. He loves to tell me what I need to do or go do. I nod my head and make my way up the stairs. I open the door to the room but stop in the doorway.

"Can you not be so loud Ave? My head is killing me!" Says a muffled voice under the pillow. I smile noticing the voice." That Cranberry vodka did the trick didn't it?" I laugh.
The pillow goes flying off the bed and her body shoots straight up. "What are you doing here ?" She gasped covering her body with the comforter.
"I'm your new roommate sweetheart." I tell her as I walk to my room.

This is going to be fun.

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