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"Here, drink this. I have to try if it works on vampires," Yixing says as he hands Junmyeon the glass of the potion.

"What the hell, Yixing.." Junmyeon says nervously. "What will it do?"

"It doesn't matter," Yixing says as he gets the glass himself and makes Junmyeon drink it in one gulp. "It should work.. It should work.." he says as he waits for Junmyeon to react.

This potion has a deep rooting to your emotions and it will cause you to see things that will straightly attack you and break you, so it also pushes you to break your relations with others.

It's good because if the hallucinations work, the person won't remember anything that happens about the time they drank it, making them not know why they hallucinated, and if they believe that scene or not depends on their decision. Yet whatever happens, as the hallucination stops, of course that scene will scare them forever, because they will be worried about the possibility of it to happen.

'This is the only way,' Yixing says to himself as he sighs deeply. If they all break their friend and love relationships, it will be harder for the hunters to get them and kill them all at once.

If they disarrange and fight with each other, they will save their own lives.

Even if by this, Yixing is going to either get killed by the union members for doing this to them or get killed by the hunters, he can't care less.

If that means he can save the union, if it means he can save others and help, not like how he can't do anything for his real parents when they died before.

He knows how Junmyeon values the union so much, so as his mate, he's going to do everything to save the union, even if he himself dies.

Because now he already has figured out that his mate won't die if he does and it's just a lie that his fake parents told him before. So that's fine. Junmyeon won't be affected by that.

And Junmyeon doesn't have to know that as well.

He doesn't know exactly what these all will turn out to, and right now he is still worrying about the possibility of this plan's failure.

He didn't want to do it. He's sorry to everyone, but this is the only way.

* * * * *

"Is it still not clear that I have feelings for you, Yixing?" Junmyeon asks as he holds Yixing's hands tightly, but Yixing shakes his head and yanks his hands off of the vampire's.

"I will never, Junmyeon. I will never accept you. Don't you understand? I only need you if I need someone to touch me..! You're nothing else for me! Just like I am nothing for you, Junmyeon!"

"Is it too hard to offer yourself to me? Is it too hard to let yourself in my arms and love me back? Is it too hard, Yixing?"

"I only offer myself to who sees me as a person, not an object in exchange of money," Yixing says as he gets out of the door and runs away.

Junmyeon buries his face in his hands as tears escape his eyes.

He had always wanted Yixing. Since the first time he has seen Yixing when he saw the omega walking down the street, he knew there was something in him that Junmyeon won't be able to live without.

But Yixing is gone.


Something wraps around him and he sniffs that scent, knows that scent, feels that scent, and for once he tries to figure out what's happening as he looks over and sees Yixing looking at him in concern.

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