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Yixing buries his face in his hands as he remembers what he has just done at the meeting.

Firstly, he intentionally started a fight with Jongdae with those words he said with the only purpose of the omega not being in good terms with him.

And of course, how he brought the potion with him at the meeting and told Junmyeon it was a red wine, to which Junmyeon only nodded to, since Yixing insisted in making them 'taste' the crimson liquid.

So basically, the meeting has made a great advancement to his plan for the union's disorientation. But he doesn't know if he's rejoicing or not inside, since a part of him knows that it won't satisfy Junmyeon to see the union being torn apart.

"Yixing, come out, I ordered dinner," Junmyeon calls from outside, making Yixing groan inwardly, really not in the mood to see Junmyeon because he has just been scolded a while back because of talking that way about Jongdae, which also made him a bit jealous because he naturally wants to be the only one Junmyeon cares for, but not like he's going to admit that to Junmyeon.

"I'm tired!" Yixing shouts back as he slumps down his bed and pulls the covers up his head. When he senses Junmyeon heading to his room, he huffs and clutches the fabric with eyes screwed shut. "Leave me alone," he whispers.

"You have to eat, Yixing," Junmyeon says as he grabs a fistful of the sheets and yanks it forcefully, not giving Yixing enough time to grip on them tighter so he ends up empty-handed and open for Junmyeon's eyes to see, especially his swollen eyes from crying.

Junmyeon sighs as he sits at the edge of the bed and stares at Yixing. "Look, I'm sorry I accidentally shouted at you. I didn't mean to, okay? But you know union members deserve equal rights, and yes, that includes having the freedom of expression but Yixing.. you shouldn't talk about Jongdae like that.."

Yixing glares at Junmyeon after he has sat up with the largest distance from Junmyeon he can achieve while still on the bed. "Stop talking about Jongdae," Yixing says hatefully as he clenches his fists. "I don't like him, can't you understand..?!"

Yixing is lying. Of course, he is lying. Who would he hate Jongdae, sweet and caring Jongdae, strong-hearted Jongdae? No one should.

For Yixing, Jongdae is a good role model of an omega who tries his best to give his mate everything. Yes, Oh Sehun is the 'sweetest omega in the union' as everyone calls him, but if it's all about who sacrifices more for his mate, it's gotta be Jongdae.

So yes, he's lying. But if it's a way to not break the plan, then he will lie as needed, even if Junmyeon will think so bad about him now, at least it will push Junmyeon farther from mating and claiming him formally, which is the last thing he wants to happen if he wants the plan to work.

If he mates with Junmyeon, if he lets Junmyeon mark him officially his, then he'll lose track of thinking about the plan and end up focusing on making another mate bond in the union, which doesn't sound ideal for his plan to work.

Junmyeon will most probably know that it's him who's doing all this to the union after mating, since they will practically be all over each other and be more one once they're mated.

He both fears Junmyeon hating him and Junmyeon having more problems about the union, but maybe it's fine if Junmyeon hates him now. Or if Junmyeon will hate him forever.

He doesn't have a choice. He chose this the first time. He isn't going to take a step back anymore, and he can't turn back what has been done anymore.

"Yixing, listen to me," Junmyeon says firmly. "Whoever the criminal is, we shouldn't do anything to add to what's happening, alright? We don't even know who he is, and now it's being so dangerous to trust anyone. So Yixing, please believe and trust in me. You know I won't do that, right? If anything, I would rather die than doing this to the union."

"I know," Yixing says and looks away. "I never thought it's you."

Of course. I already know it's me.

"Yet we should build trust in each other. In this crucial time, we can't mate even if I want to, and even if you want to, since it will get things complicated."

"I know," Yixing chokes out as he plays with his shorts. "I know, Junmyeon.."

"I'm sorry you have to wait," Junmyeon says as he goes on the bed and goes closer to Yixing, the omega not doing anything to reject the vampire or tell him to go away so Junmyeon continues heading closer to Yixing. "I know you're dying to feel a bond, our bond.. But it's dangerous, Yixing.."

"I know," Yixing says and looks at Junmyeon. "Don't worry, I-I understand.."

Thank you for going with the flow of the plan.

"For now, please come with me and eat," Junmyeon says as he puts his hand over Yixing's forearm, urging Yixing to get up and go to where he wants the omega to. Yixing nods and complies.

* * * * *

"A-Are you serious..?" Yixing asks as he starts to fist the sheets. "You're going to do that?!"

"Why not?" Junmyeon retorts with a raised eyebrow. "He deserves that. For trying to do these things to the union, of course he has to pay.."

"But being kicked out of the pack was the first plan.. Why decide now that you will kill him yourself?!" Yixing asks in horror.

Yixing is basically shaking with all of what he's hearing. Junmyeon is even detailing to the omega how he would slowly torture and kill the betrayer in the union, which body part he will tear off first, which bone he will break first, how he will rip his flesh with his sharp claws, and Yixing can't.

He can't take all those information in anymore. How his own mate is planning to kill him, how he's going to make Yixing suffer for what he did. It frightens Yixing, terrifies him.

"Why are you even wondering why I want to kill him?! It's all because he fucking did that first to you, Yixing! You know how worried I was? How I thought I'm not going to get you back in reality? How I fear that it will happen to you again as much as how I fear that it'll also happen to me? Yixing, I want to protect you, us.. and probably now, you already know why I want to..."

"It's because you want to keep your mate safe.. I know.." Yixing says and sighs. "I'm sorry, Junmyeon.."

"It's okay, maybe I just really frightened you with what I'm talking about."

No. I'm not saying sorry for being so nervous. I'm sorry for doing all this myself, Junmyeon.

I'm sorry for betraying you, for lying to you.

I'm sorry for using myself to try and erase your future problems like this, with my own way.

I'm sorry you have to protect me and fight for me, against someone, the criminal who is also myself.

I'm sorry for sacrificing my life for the sake of the union you lead.

I'm sorry for offering myself for what you value so much.

I'm sorry for offering myself to you.

I shouldn't have. But I chose this.

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