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Yixing goes out of the house to arrive at Minseok screaming and laughing as Jongdae tackles him on the ground, tickling him, his body twitching sharply before he tries to turn Jongdae over but fails when Baekhyun and Sehun joins the assault, too, Lu Han ending up watching them and giggling.

"Ya! If you d-don't fucking stop..!"

"We'll give you all the love~" Jongdae teases and chuckles as he straddles Minseok's hips.

"Jongdae!" Minseok yells in playful anger.

"What's happening, guys..?" Yixing softly asks, and they managed to hear him through the giggles fortunately.

"Come on, Yixing. Tickle him, too," Lu Han encourages and laughs when Minseok yells at Lu Han.

"Hey! You, fucking deer, I s-swear to god..!"

"I'll show you hell~" Baekhyun teasingly fills in and prods Minseok's sides, making the alpha jerk and laugh again.

"Yah..! Get off, Dae!" Minseok screams on top of his lungs.

"I won't, I won't, I won't!" Jongdae chants and chuckles. "Oh, look, Minseok hyung is turning red..!"

"Ya—aish..! Fuck you, Jongdae!"

"Only after this, alpha~!" Jongdae laughingly teases.

Yixing heads to Lu Han who apparently doesn't have the will to stop the three. Lu Han turns to him and smiles.

"What's happening?" Yixing asks, a confused gaze directed to Lu Han, and the other giggles.

"Minseok was tickling Jongdae a while ago. Jongdae did a revenge. Then that happened," Lu Han says and points to the four people on the ground. "Go join them," Lu Han urges, eyes trained on Sehun who's enjoying himself and laughing heartily.

"No, I'm fine here, alpha," Yixing says and sits beside Lu Han.

"That was Sehun's space though," Lu Han says without looking at Yixing, making Yixing stand back up quickly, Lu Han being startled himself and turning to Yixing whose eyes are widened in surprise. "It's fine! Don't be so worried like that.." Lu Han says and chuckles.

Yixing sighs in relief and sits back down, looking at Minseok who's literally flushing in his whole body with maybe frustration or embarassment, since Yixing's 'anger radar' doesn't smell anything close to a real angry Minseok.

"Ahh! Stop, stop!" Minseok yells and tries to get his hands free from Baekhyun's grip, but Sehun doesn't let this happen and also holds Minseok's hands still as Jongdae goes down and tickles his sides. "Hey, s-stop it..! Jongdaeeeeee!!" Minseok screams so loudly.

Jongdae screams back at him a lot louder making the other two, Baekhyun and Sehun, have to let go of Minseok's arms to cover their ears. At this Minseok takes the opportunity to launch back at Jongdae and push him down the ground, hovering over the omega and caging the omega with his arms as he attacks him with licks on his earlobe.

Jongdae is still processing the situation and hasn't stopped screaming yet earlier but now his yell has turned to a whine of pleasure as Minseok keeps him still with his arms pinning Jongdae's hands down the ground.

"They're so fun to watch," Lu Han says and giggles, before Sehun hurriedly stands up and covers his eyes with his fingers, same with Yixing who uses one hand to cover both his eyes and chuckles awkwardly.

"They smell like they're going to fuck each other right here," Baekhyun remarks jokingly, but the two people in question don't seem to hear, having their own world. The alpha now sucks on Jongdae's neck and the said omega willingly stays pliant and tilts his neck to provide more access.

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