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Yixing falls over Junmyeon weakly after lost memories stopped coming into him.

"It's fine. All your lost memories are now back.. Are you glad, Yixing..?" Junmyeon asks softly, and Yixing looks up at him slowly.

"D-Don't you think you also have lost memories, J-Junmyeon..?" Yixing inquires as he collapses back into Junmyeon's chest in exhaustion, closing his eyes and letting himself drift to sleep.

"D-Don't you think you also have lost memories, J-Junmyeon..?"

The question makes Junmyeon stay up all night staring at Yixing in wonder though.

What did you mean, Yixing?

* * * * *

"Are we really who we think we are?" Yixing asks as he sits on his chair on the meeting table, making the others look at him in shock.

"What do you mean, Xing?" Junmyeon asks as he frowns at Yixing in confusion once again, for the nth time this day.

"Turns out we have even ourselves taken wrongly by our own judgement," Yixing says and shakes his head, sipping his drink from the glass casually. "Now I understand why they told me to not trust anyone.." Yixing mumbles.

"Who told you, hyung?" Baekhyun asks, and Yixing smells suspicion thick in the air.

"My parents, and also my fake parents," Yixing answers as he watches Sehun feeding Lu Han biscuits, Sehun giggling at the older's now chubby cheeks from taking too much food in his mouth. "Even your mate can kill you," he says, and it makes the said alpha and omega pair stop.

"W-Why are you looking at us~?" Sehun whines softly in embarassment, looking down and just stuffing the remaining biscuits in his own mouth, pouting.

"Just saying," Yixing says. "We need to be careful, right?" he asks and looks at everyone, who then only breaks eye contact.

'Who are they to think I don't know?' Yixing thinks to himself and smirks.

"W-Why should we, hyung?" Baekhyun asks him again.

"Because maybe one of us is actually a vampire slayer?" Yixing casually inquires as he raises his eyebrows as if it's an obvious fact from the beginning.

He takes pleasure on watching them get scared of nothing. Well, that's what they get from being suspicious. Such paranoid ones.

"Y-Yixing?" Junmyeon asks softly. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look," Yixing says and stands up, leaning over the table slightly. "I know I caused hallucinations and all that shit you call it. But this is where I lived before," Yixing explains and pulls something from the back pocket of his pants, showing them a picture of his past residence. "Not wherever this drawing shows," he says as he shows them Baekhyun's drawing at the meeting before.

"W-Where did you get that?" Baekhyun asks. "M-My drawing.. Where..?"

"You're too unorganized in your room that this was situated right infront of the bathroom, Baekhyun," Yixing deadpans before he puts one hand on his hip. "Now, does everyone really think I would kill him?" Yixing asks and points at Yifan. "Or him?" Yixing continues and points at Zitao. "And, you all think I would kill Junmyeon?" Yixing questions.

No one answers to him and he groans in frustration. "Ugh. What group did I even get myself into? Just because I won't tell you I remember Junmyeon already doesn't mean I hide so many things, Baekhyun! I only did it so I can meet Junmyeon already..! And you," Yixing shouts as he turns to Junmyeon.

"I'm really not allowed to take blood for healing if it's from a turned hybrid or turned vampire..! Do you know that I have a waist injury because of Jongin and Baekhyun's blood? They gave me blood to heal my wounds and it healed, yes.. But it hurt and worsened my waist.. And you think I was lying again? God, can't anyone just slack off for a while and think with other things that are not his useless brain? Yet since you wanted to know everything, then fine! Firstly, my condition is that critical just because, okay? You call my condition critical but not Jongdae's? Come on, guys..! Jongdae has suffered so much more than me with his condition. And by the way, Jongdae, I want to talk with you after the meeting."

Jongdae stares at him with eyes widened in surprise but he manages to nod slowly, hand trailing to Minseok's and holding it tightly.

"You think I'm initially expected to be a vampire killer. No, okay? My family doesn't even want me to pick up a knife before..! I just remembered now the identity of the vampire who injected blood on me that caused me to lose my ability to heal. And yes, it's a vampire, but it doesn't matter now if he's dead or not.. I don't care. We, our family, never dared to fight vampires. Yes, we hated them, because of what happened to me, but no, we don't plan to fight because we know we won't ever win with how powerful we believe they are.. And when I said I'm a peacemaker omega werewolf, I really am.. What else do you want to know?!" Yixing asks loudly.

"A-Ah.. Have you ever topped before?" Baekhyun asks, making Yixing roll his eyes.

"No. No one should have sexual intercourse with me before Junmyeon, remember?"

"Ever dominated someone then?" Baekhyun urges, and Junmyeon leans back on his chair to massage his temple in disbelief.

"Can you ask useful questions, please?" Yixing whines.

"Does Junmyeon knot you?" Baekhyun then asks.

Yixing freezes at such question. "H-Huh..?"

"You omegas need knotting especially when in heat, right? Junmyeon knots you or nah?"

"I don't have a knot, Byun. Just stop talking for even a single second, please." Junmyeon hisses and sighs deeply.

Baekhyun makes a face. "Okay, one second has passed. I mean, how can an omega be pleasured if he's not knotted, right?" he questions and turns to Sehun, who feels the stare and looks up with flushed cheeks.

"M-Mm-hmm.." Sehun meekly answers with a soft nod.

"Right, Jongdae? An omega needs knotting, right?" Baekhyun then asks the older omega.

"Yup," Jongdae answers. "What omega doesn't need a knot, Baekhyun..?!" Jongdae asks. "We all need knots. Omegas are fertile only when in heat so if we get knotted, it's a great possibility that we'd get impregnated. Right, Minseok hyung?" Jongdae asks.

"Yes," Minseok says and lovingly caresses Jongdae's hair. "But. There's a but. We, alphas, also love when our omegas feel really good when we knot them.. When they're in heat, we also feel proud that we are the only ones who can provide them what they need the best way possible. A knot is like a basic need of an omega, and me as an alpha would gladly give that to my omega anytime he wants.. but, of course, only if he's been good to me," Minseok says and teasingly pokes Jongdae's side to emit a soft giggle.

While Sehun endlessly whines in embarassment into Lu Han's shoulders, Yixing sits down and looks at his lap, blinking rapidly and mouth falling shut.

'Knot.. Junmyeon doesn't have a knot?' Lay asks him. 'So that's why I never felt true pleasure..'

'Lay..!' Yixing scolds and keeps his eyes cast down.

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