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"How did this happen?" Junmyeon asks as he clenches his jaw and slams the paper on the meeting table angrily, making the other members flinch in shock. "You," Junmyeon mutters and points to Sehun, making Sehun look up slowly from where he's hiding his face in Lu Han's shoulder. "Don't be scared.."

Sehun releases his tight hold on Lu Han's shirt and nods slowly.

"We need a plan," Baekhyun speaks, and puts the pen he's holding down to hand Junmyeon the paper he has just written something on. "He can't be here for nothing."

"What is this?" Junmyeon asks with a frown. "This handwriting is gonna get you in trouble, Baekhyun," Junmyeon mutters and chuckles.

"Junmyeon," Baekhyun sternly says and furrows his eyebrows. "Just read what I wrote."

"Oh, a serious Baekhyun this time," Junmyeon says and chuckles as he reads what's put in the paper. At some point, he pauses and looks up at Baekhyun in concern.

"He says he came here?" Junmyeon inquires.


"Here?" Junmyeon asks as he lifts the paper and shows the others, making Jongdae snicker.

"Hey!" Baekhyun whines and crosses his arms over his chest. "Fine, I'm not gonna tell anything then.."

"We were just joking," Junmyeon says and looks at the drawing once again. "But really, what did it mean to belong in here.."

"It means he came from a special kind of family. That's why his condition was so crucial, and that's why he is not just a peacemaker omega werewolf as he once told us he is, or perhaps as what he once knew he is."

"Then.. Then what is he?" Junmyeon asks as he puts the paper down.

"His kind is.." Minseok says and tilts his head for a moment. "It's already rare to find a werewolf that is a peacemaker omega, but his real kind.. is already told to be gone.."

"What is he?" Zitao asks as he leans in curiously.

"He's an overly cute omega," Baekhyun mutters, and a slipper strikes his head suddenly. "Ow! Why..!" Baekhyun questions as he rubs his head with a wince.

"We're being serious here!" Sehun says and pouts, standing up and retrieving his Lu Han's slipper from under the table, crawling and putting it back on Lu Han's feet before deciding to go back up to his seat, but Lu Han's hand stops him from doing so.

Sehun blinks up rapidly at Lu Han as the alpha peeks at him and smirks.

"Plus, he's also a werewolf possibly expected to be a vampire killer."


Sehun hears the talk from above but Lu Han still keeps him under the table and fists his pink hair gently.

'Will you?,' Lu Han asks meaningfully through mind link, slightly pointing to a certain part of his body.

Sehun gulps as he looks down at where Lu Han is now gesturing to.

"Lu Han, you better let Sehun go up back on his seat before we kick you out of this union," Minseok says jokingly and kicks Lu Han's ankle.

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