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Suede rubs her eyes as she tucks her elbow on her bed to push her own body up.

'This bed is so hard,' Suede then thinks as she looks down, but then her eyes meet the floor. 'I slept on the floor?!'

Suede scans the surface and concludes that she is on her living room's floor, but then she notices a foreign thing infront of her.

A hand, with long, slender, milky fingers. Suede frowns as she looks up then, and she stumbles in shock when she realizes it belongs to a man now lying infront of her.

That's the only time she remembers what has happened.

She has struck Yixing on the head with a spell she believed would be able to reverse that spell she hadcasted on Yixing before.

Did it work? She doesn't know. But now she sees Yixing getting up weakly, eyes droopy as he starts to look around, frowning in confusion, until his gaze meets Suede's.

Yixing's eyes widen as he steps back quickly. "Wh-Who are y-you..?!" he exclaims as he looks around at the house where he's in once again.

He remembers. He has ran away from his grandparents who has told him that his parents just died from fighting hunters. He ran away to try and collect himself, but he accidentally trespassed someone's territory. His memory stops there.

So he doesn't know who the fuck this girl is.

"Listen, Yixing, I—"

"How the fuck did you know my name?!" Yixing shouts as he lets out a snarl when the witch tries to step closer. "Don't you dare go near me. I won't hesitate to kill you."

"You're in my territory," the lady in the crimson dress says. "I'm Suede Parchette. You remember me? The witch?"

Yixing only frowns as his head aches when a memory comes to him. Him begging on his knees just so the witch won't continue her decision on casting a spell on him as a penalty.

"I-I'm forgiven..?" he then asks softly. "I really didn't mean to cross to here.." Yixing says.

Suede frowns slightly as he goes closer to Yixing, who then looks down and drops his defenses, but his eyes are still wary for any attack. "Yixing, your union and I already are allowed to go to and from each other's territories.. You don't remember?"

"Union?" Yixing questions, confusion written all over his face. "What union..?"

'Oh god,' Suede thinks. 'I fucked up.'

Suede sighs and holds Yixing's forearms, which Yixing quickly swats away as he looks up at the witch cautiously. "Yixing, you're a member of a union.. They have hybrids, werewolves and vampires as members.. They just went through a major fight with a big group of hunters.. to save you and Jongin.."

"Jongin?" Yixing asks. "Union, hybrids, vampires, what are these things you're talking about?!" Yixing exclaims as he steps back. "I need to go back to my grandparents. What day is it now.." Yixing says as he fishes out his phone from his pocket, but finds out there's nothing in there. "Did you steal my phone?!" Yixing exclaims as he points at the witch accusingly. "Are you out of your mind. Give it back!"

"Since the time the leader of the union had you, you most probably never had a phone, right? You stayed at his house and was never allowed to get out.."

"What are you talking about?!" Yixing shouts as he breathes harshly through his nose before letting out an annoyed growl. "You know what? Just tell me. How many days am I already here?! What day is it?"

Suede sighs and picks her phone from the side table and shows the lockscreen to Yixing.

"September..?" Yixing mumbles as he looks down in confusion. "Th-That's impossible.. It should still be July.."

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