Chap 25: forget

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Jimin waits at the crime scene, his mind being clouded with theories as to why the killer has deferred from his usual mo. He needed to figure what was happening, maybe this was his chance to finally catch him. He looks over the crime scene, a few policemen still there gathering evidence. He walks to where the body laid, cones still surrounding where he was.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Jimin snaps his head to see Jungkook standing slightly behind him.

"What do you mean?" He watches Jungkook come beside him, hand gently brushing his waist.

"This place, it's beautiful. The flowers are in full bloom, displaying their beauty for all the world to see.   I used to come here as a child, before my parents went missing. It's exactly the same, nothings changed in the twenty years I've been gone." He kneels down, hand picking up a flower from the ground.

"Tell me Jimin, why do you think the killer chose here of all places to dispose of the body. After all, this is a place of beauty." He gives Jimin the flower, hand touching his lower back.

"I-I suppose like any other, this is a popular place, especially for tourists. The body was going to be found extremely quickly. Also, I believe the killer is beginning to feel remorse, or at least did for this victim." Jimin smells the flower, savouring the sweet scent.

"Why do you say that?" Jungkook sticks his tongue into his cheek, removing his gaze from Jimin to the ground where the body once laid.

"The body was covered in a blanket, neither of the past victims were found like that. Nor were their arms crossed over their chests. This victim was clearly different, seeing as he was only taken for four days. The victims are always gone for six days, being found on the seventh. Something has changed in the killer, he's beginning to unravel. He's losing control, that is clear from his latest kidnapping. He's usually so careful, organised." Jimin looks at him, eyes glancing over his features. "What's worrying me is, if he's shortening his time between kills. That can only mean more murders, more deaths on our hands. I have to stop him before he kills anyone else. And that's not going to be long since he already as his next victim. Now I don't even know how long I've got until he's found dead." Jimin bites his lips, flipping his hair back in frustration.

"You think the killers becoming unstable, losing control of himself. I have to say, you might be right. I think something must be clouding his mind, making him confused." Jungkook stares at Jimin, eyes piercing into him.

"He's usually extremely calculated, but now he's lost, doesn't know what's happening to his mind. Chan clearly meant a lot to him, he's obviously struggling with his death." Jungkook runs his hand up Jimin's back.

"What makes you think he's struggling with his death?" Jimin glances at him, shivering slightly at his touch.

"Like you said Jimin, he clearly feels remorse for his death. Why else would he of wrapped the body up, put him in such a beautiful place." Jungkook moves his hand to Jimin's waist, squeezing softly.

"That means he is starting to feel, grow attached to his victims. This could be a good thing right? Means we might have a chance to find his next victim alive." Jimin licks his lips, his hand wrapping timidly around Jungkook's waist.

"Hmmm...I wouldn't be so sure. Killings in his nature, it's the only thing to quench his thirst." Jungkook pulls Jimin in closer when a large gust of wind comes.

Jimin sighs, holding onto the flower in his hand. He smiles at how close him and Jungkook are, his hand massaging Jungkook's strong waist. Jimin yawns, rubbing his eyes.

"You need to sleep Jimin, you're looking pale. I don't want you getting sick." Jungkook brushes his hair back.

"I can't, I need to work." Jimin moves away, straightening his clothes.

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