Chap 34: house of lies

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Jimin was standing in the university bathroom, trying to calm himself down. Taking deep breathes, hands resting on the counter top as he lurches over.

"You're Okay Jimin, you're fine. Just breath." He whispers to himself, looking at his reflection.

He frowns when he sees his appearance, neck now turning a dark purple, eyes blood shot. His shirt was still unbuttoned, fitting loosely on his shoulders. He runs his fingers over the bruises, wincing when he applies pressure. They were worse than last time, more aggressive. His head was pounding, struggling to shallow as every time it hurt. He was feeling dizzy, slightly nauseous.

"Fuck." Jimin grabs the side of his head, holding the counter for support.

He closes his eyes, letting the nausea pass. He goes into his back pocket, grabbing out one of the forensic bag he brought. He frowns, swearing he had brought two but had only found one. He shrugs, putting the hair strands in the bag, smiling to himself. Finally, finally he might have some actual evidence that links Jungkook to the murders. He can compare the hair fibres, skin under his nails to the blood found at Daewon's. But somewhere in him, a small part of him hoped they didn't match, that he was wrong. Jungkook was innocent, not the psychotic killer hunting down pour defenceless men.

Fixing his appearance, making sure his bruises couldn't be seen. He didn't want anyone to know that he slept with Jungkook, not if he wanted to keep his job. If it turned out Jungkook was the killer, he could lose his job for police misconduct. Especially if they found out he slept with him while he was a suspect. Once he looks presentable, he walks out the bathroom. He makes it to his car, he slumps into the drivers seat, letting out a long breathe. Turning on the car, he takes one last glance at the university before he drives off. He wonders if he should maybe call his brother, have him change schools. But he knew that Jihyun wouldn't listen, plus he didn't want to worry him if it turned out Jungkook wasn't guilty. As he arrives back at the precinct, he begins to grow nervous. He wasn't sure why, it was completely stupid. He gets out the car, rubbing his ass as it was still aching.  Carefully he limps his way into the building, trying hard as he can to hide it. He looks to see Hoseok sitting at his desk, talking with Yoongi. Walking over they both glance up, Hoseok scans over his appearance which causes him to rub his neck.

"Did you find anything from the cctv?" Jimin coughs, hoping his voice wasn't going to sound strained.

"No. It was bloody facing the wrong side of the street, it didn't catch anything." Hoseok groans, resting his chin on his hand.

Jimin frowns, running his fingers through his hair. He had hoped that maybe they could've found something from those cameras. But yet again the killer was one step ahead, knowing exactly where to go to not be seen.

"What about you? Have you been able to find anything that might help." Hoseok stares at him, eyes never leaving.

Jimin squeezes the bag in his hand, glancing between the two of them.

"I might have, but I need to take it to Tae for forensic analysis. Do you know where he is?" Jimin smiles at them.

"Yeah, he's in his office." Yoongi points behind him.

Yoongi stares at him, noticing the evidence bag in his hand.

"Do you have some evidence there Jimin? What did you do while you were gone?" Hoseok looks between them both.

"I'm not quite sure yet Yoongi, that's why I need Tae to analyse it as soon as possible." Jimin begins to walk in the direction of Tae's office.

Hoseok gets up, following him as he wanted to know what evidence he had.

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