The water rushes over them cruelly, not giving them a chance to breath. The sharp rocks slicing their skin, brutalising their bodies. Jungkook grits his teeth, internally screaming with pain and agony as his body burnt, seethed. Hoseok was loosing his will, no longer able to keep himself afloat. Slowly sinking into the ibis, the depths of the icy water. They both felt the same, felt the claws of death calling them. Just as they both were about to fade, the water began to slow, no longer a bone crushing pace. It became calm, evening out as it came to the end of the river turning into a lake. Jungkook grunts out, hands gripping desperately onto the rocks. The water turned shallow, he was able to finally breathe.
"Aghhh!" He pukes up the eternity on water that had filled his lungs burning his throat as it passes.
His limps were heavy, body abused, broken as blood with a mix of water soaked his clothes. He lifts his limp head up, trying to figure out where he was. It was forest around him, nothing he recognises. He turns his head to the side, seeing a body floating in the water. He tilts his head, smiling to himself as he knew exactly who it was. He struggles to lift his body up, holding his side where the bullet was securely lodged. He glances back at the body but frowns when it was no longer there, he looks down the river.
"Where the fuck did you go?" Jungkook farrows his eyebrows, knowing he had to be dead.
He limps his way out the river, landing on the soft grass. He grunts out as he claws along the ground, the pain he tried desperately blocking out resurfacing.
"Fuck! Fucking fuck!" Jungkook screams out, he looks back up to the river seeing his house in the far distance.
He punches at the ground, pulling the grass in frustration. It wasn't suppose to go this way, wasn't suppose to end like this. He takes in a deep grunting breath, slowly lifting himself off the ground. He clutches his side as he stumbles forward, walking into the depths of the forest. As he begins to walk he hears the sound of ruffling not far from him. He cocks his eyebrow, a smirk immediately on his face as he sees a terrified man holding a gun pointing it directly at him. His hands were trembling, clearly not stable enough to fire.
"Looks like someone's a little nervous. Do I scare you?" Jungkook chuckles, the man simply shakes more.
"Y-you're him! You're that guy everyone's looking for, the one who's killed." The man's voice crumbles, the fear imminent in his voice.
"Guilty as charged. And who exactly might you be huh?" Jungkook took a step forward, the man's eyes widen at the sudden movement.
"I-I don't want any trouble, please just leave my property. I don't want to have to call the police." He shallows the lump in his throat, lips quivering.
"Trouble? I think it's a bit late for that." Jungkook smirks before lunging at him, skilfully twisting the gun in his hands, aiming it at the man's chest before firing.
The shot echoed through the thick woods, the man's body falling limp to the ground. Jungkook laughs at how easy that was, even in this state he still had it.
"Thanks for the gun by the way." Jungkook expects his body, noticing how they had somewhat similar builds.
"Well, this might keep them distracted for a little bit at least." He painfully lifts the man's agonisingly heavy body towards where he came.
He carelessly dropped the body down by the river bed. He quickly removed the man's clothing, replacing it with his own. Once he was now dressed in decent clothing, he pushes the man's body into the river. He shoved his head into the water, feeling his body struggle ever so slightly due to him being almost barely alive. He presses the man's face into the sharp rocks, disfiguring his face somewhat. The man then stops moving, indicating he was now completely gone. Once he was satisfied his face was distorted enough he pushes his entire body into the river, watching it as it slowly drifted down.

Arrest me
FanfictionThis is kinda inspired by Agatha Christie's book The ABC Murders. Jimin a newly made detective for Seoul police becomes the new target for the famous serial killer 'alphabet killer'. Jimin is determined to catch him at any cost, even if that means g...