Jungkook didn't feeling anything, didn't feel the pain as the bullet past through his skin, lodging into his tender flesh. Didn't feel the railing under him cave in, sending him falling to the ibis underneath him. All he could feel was the ache in his heart when he saw Yoongi fire his gun. The bullet piercing through Jimin's small body, watching as he collapses to his knees. He didn't think Yoongi had it in him to shot, never crossed his mind that he'd be strong enough. Only thing he thought as he fell was Jimin, screaming his name as his body was engulfed by the icy water, drowning in it.
Hoseok's heart felt as if it was stabbed with a knife, it splitting open as he watched Jimin crumble to the floor. All he knew was he needed to get to him, save him. But he couldn't, his body was already falling backwards. His lungs felt like they were jumping out of his chest, his back stinging as he impacted with the icy water. He tries screaming out but it only caused the freezing cold water to fill his lungs. His body was immediately forced by the current, pushing his body down the river. He fights against it, bobbing up and down in hopes to try stay afloat. His vision blurred from the lack of oxygen, barely able to breath as when he did it only caused more water to consume his lungs. Soon his body began to weaken, struggling with the brutal force of the current. He looks frantically around, desperately wanting to find anything he could grab onto.
Jungkook's throat brunt as the water began choking him. He tried desperately to keep himself afloat, using all his strength to keep his head above the water. He looks around through blurred vision, seeing another figure bobbing through the water. His wound stung as the water seeped into his open wounds. The water around him turning a deep red. His head pounded, his lungs begging, pleading for air. His body was getting abused by the shape rocks, slicing at his skin. The current was painfully strong, didn't seem he could fight it. His body began to give up, let the water devour him. His eyes become heavy, lungs filling up with the icy fluid.
Both of them were starting to lose consciousness, the water suffocating them. Neither of them seeming strong enough to keep afloat. The darkness appeared imminent, deaths door calling for them.
Jimin was pushed forward, wincing slightly at the pain from his shoulder from the harsh force. The officer growls at him to keep moving, digging the head of his batten into his back. Jimin's handcuffs clang together as he walked, painfully tight on his wrists. The officer stops him at a gate, using his key to unlock it before shoving Jimin inside the suffocatingly small cell. Jimin falls to the hard ground, grunting in pain.
"You disgust me you know that? You should be taught a fucking lesson. Killing one of our own, I'm going to enjoy watching you rot in here." The Officer snarls at him, bringing down his batten hard onto his back.
Jimin's body collapses completely to the floor from the force, his back stinging with pain. He doesn't have time to fully react before he's kicked brutally hard in the stomach.
"Aghhhh!" Jimin groans out in pain, getting hit once more only harder.
Jimin couldn't do anything, his wrists chained together by his waist. He had to lie there and take it, let the man beat him till he was satisfied. He felt weak once again, felt like he was once again a victim. The man presses down on his fresh bullet wound, Jimin winces as he feels his stitches coming loose.
"You fucking helped that psychopath, bet you were the one that helped him escape huh? Helped him kill one of our own men. Tell me why I should just kill you now? Not like anyone would miss you, in fact, I'd probably me given a parade for doing it." He spits out at him, putting more of his weight on his now bleeding wound.
Jimin grits his teeth, hissing as the pain only increased. He could feel the wound splitting open again, blood beginning to soak his orange prison uniform.
"You have no idea do you. You know fucking nothing! Think you scare me? Think you're a fucking big man for dominating me? Making me your bitch! When I get out of these fucking cuffs I'm going to end you, fucking kill you nice and slow." Jimin laughs before wincing again when the man presses down harder.
"I'd like to see you try!" He snapped back before releasing the pressure on his wound.
"I'd be very careful if I was you little boy, god knows what happens to pretty boys in here who have a snarky mouth. You'll be everyone's bitch in here by the end of the day." He whispered threateningly into his ear, unlocking him from his handcuffs, standing up straight afterwards.
Jimin glares at him as he walks out the cell, slamming the door shut behind him. Jimin laid on the floor trying to catch his breath, let the pain subside before he stood up. He winced and groaned when he finally stands, rubbing his aching wrists.
"Fucking bastard." Jimin bites out, feeling his shoulder which was now soaked with blood.
His stomach ached, back as well, he knew he was going to have bruising. He glances around his tiny cell. It was meek, a revolting puke stained colour with what appeared to be dashes carved into the wall along with writing. The bed wasn't worthy of being called one. The mattress almost nonexistent, a thin dense board he was supposed to sleep on. There was a small metal toilet attached to the wall, it looked cold and uncomfortable. He lightly limped to the bed, grunting as he sat down.
"Jungkook. I'm so sorry Jungkook. If I had only fucking done what you asked you'd still be alive, still fucking be here. It hurts so much, hurts so fucking much that you're gone." Jimin looked down at his trembling hands, sucking in a deep breath.
He didn't care about the pain he was in, about being ruthlessly beaten. Didn't care if the rest of his life was going to be that way. All he cared about was being with Jungkook, having him once again by his side. But he knew that would never happen, knew he'd never see that gorgeous face again, perfect bunny smile. Feel his delicious body against his, his orgasmic thick cock inside him. He missed everything about him, yearned to be near him just one more time.
🙈😭🙈 ohh my!!! Poor babies, what's going to happen to them?? Do you think Hobi lives?? Or Jungkook?? Who knows🤷🏼♀️ knowing me it could go either way. Also, what an ass that officer is, how very dare he!!!Okay okay, love y'all so so much && till next time xx

Arrest me
FanfictionThis is kinda inspired by Agatha Christie's book The ABC Murders. Jimin a newly made detective for Seoul police becomes the new target for the famous serial killer 'alphabet killer'. Jimin is determined to catch him at any cost, even if that means g...