Jungkook looks down at Daewon's sleeping body, fingers running over his bare chest. His hand creeps up to his neck, squeezing tightly. Daewon jolts awake, eyes wide as he remembers where he is. He starts to struggle, feeling Jungkook's tight grip around his throat.
"I want to play Daewon, you better please me or I'm going to have to hurt you worse." Jungkook turns on the machine, Daewon wiggles even more in an attempt to break free.
Daewon tries to scream, the gag muffling any sound from escaping. Jungkook turns up the machine to seven, wanting to see him convulsing in utter agony. He flips the switch, watching as Daewon's body begins to convulse. His back arching of the table, biting down hard on the gag. His muscles spasm, contracting as the electricity pulses through him. The pain was agonising, he could feel his skin starting to burn. Jungkook wasn't satisfied, watching Daewon twitch in agony wasn't pleasing him. He decides to turn up the machine, flipping it to 8. Daewon screams louder, tears falling down his cheeks. His wrists pull at the restraints, his skin becoming raw from the friction. His body couldn't take it, his head felt like it was being stabbed with a hundred needles. Jungkook watched as his skin turned red, body jolting uncontrollably. He turns off the switch, Daewon's body immediately collapsing to the table. His chest heaves up and down, head falling to the side. Jungkook brushes his fingers over his burning skin, feeling him flinch at his touch.
"We're going to need to go again Daewon, you haven't pleased me yet." Jungkook turns the switch on, lips curling in anger as Daewon's body convulses.
This wasn't doing it for him, every time he looks at Daewon all he saw was Jimin. His face contorting as Hoseok fucked into him, body jolting as he was forced into the wall. He hated Hoseok, hated him with all his heart. Daewon continues to jolt, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he begins to loose consciousness. His skin was no longer pale, skin becoming black around the areas where he was being electrocuted. Jungkook turns off the machine, hand wrapping around his throat once again. The anger in him still very much there, watching Daewon was no longer doing it for him, he needed to feel his life being sucked out of him by his own hands. He crawls on top of him, Daewon starts to writhe underneath him. He feels Jungkook's hand slide down his chest, tugging at the only item of clothing he was wearing, his underwear. Jungkook reaches behind his head, unlocking his gag. He wanted to hear his screams as he brutalised his body.
"P-please..don't do this....aghhh I hate you! I fucking hate you." Daewon screams when Jungkook presses down on one of his wounds, unzipping himself sliding on a condom before he then forced himself into his weak, frail body.
"That's it Daewon, keep screaming for me. I want to hear every fucking noise that escapes that pretty little mouth." Jungkook squeezes his throat harder, gritting his teach as he begins his brutal thrusts.
Daewon pulls at the restraints, breath becoming strained as he struggles for air. Everything around him becomes a blur, the pain in his lower half only growing worse. Jungkook growls, snapping his hips harder. All he could see as he stared down at Daewon's was Jimin's beautiful face, his pained expression as he forced himself in ruthlessly.
"This is your fucking fault! You deserve this, you deserve this fucking pain. You're the one who's fucking with my mind." Jungkook screams at him, choking him as hard as he can.
Daewon struggles to keep his eyes open, the pain over taking his senses. His eyes turn blood shot, lips going a light shade of purple due to the lack of oxygen. Jungkook continues his powerful thrusts, grip only tightening around his neck. Daewon's cries begin to fade, Jungkook looks down to notice he's passed out. This only angers him more, beginning to go under until he released. Once he was finished he reaches over to the small table beside him, grabbing a knife. He tilts his head as he presses the tip of the blade onto his skin. He cuts into him, watching blood pool out. He carves the letter D in his pale skin, blood oozing out the cuts. He realised Daewon was no longer enough, he had out run his usefulness. He gets off him, releasing him from his restraints. It was time for the chase, now seeming to be the only thing that brought him joy, excitement. It was now time for Daewon to die.
Jin and Yoongi look at him, both with the same confused looks plastered on their faces.
"Don't be stupid Jimin, why would Jungkook, Professor Jeon Jungkook want to kill four people. That doesn't make any sense. And why would he be willing to help us catch the killer if it was him all along, that's just pure insanity on his part of what you said his true. Do you actually have any proof of this Jimin, any actual evidence." Jin raises his eyebrow, tilting his head at him unconvinced.
Jimin's mouth hangs open, realising he doesn't actually have any proof of his claim. It all being purely a hunch, a suspicion that Jungkook is the killer. Jin was right, what motive did Jungkook actually have to killing these four men. Only one of them had an actual connection with him, the rest didn't. And only someone who was either very stupid or very cocky would kill someone that could possibly be linked back to them. Jungkook was far too smart for that, especially having an renounced knowledge on what will get a killer caught. He couldn't be the killer, he wouldn't slip up like this would he? Jimin shakes his head, fingers running through his hair.
"I guess I'm just tired. You're right, I don't have any proof, any real reason a suppose to suspect him. But what about the initials, his name is Jeon Jungkook, J.J. It could be his couldn't it, I mean that is a huge coincidence both the killer and him having the same initials." Jimin glances between them, still trying to figure out what he believes.
"I mean it is possible, but Jimin, technically you share the same initials as well as your brother. Both of you before you changed your names were Jun. And somehow the killer knew that, so it could be possible he was signing it with your name." Jin nods his head, rubbing his chin.
"Or it could all be a load of crap and the killers just playing us, messing with our heads to make us suspect one of our own. I mean, come on he addressed Jimin directly. This could all be a ruse to have us think Jimin knows the killer or is even working with him. That letter seems to be only making things worse for us, I honestly it might help but it doesn't seem to be." Yoongi closes his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
Jimin thinks for a minute, aware that both of them had a point. The letter was only addressed to him, it was personal. But if it was personal then clearly he knows the killer or at the very least has crossed paths with him. And the way the letter sounds, it seems as though he is mad at him about something. Something he has done which he shouldn't have. But what could he of possibly done, if it was Jungkook he couldn't think of anything he has done to anger him. But what he did know is he needed to confront him, at least ask him where he was last night. Although what Jin said was true, why would Jungkook want to kill four men. But that has never stopped anyone from killing, people have a number of reasons to kill someone. Out of pure rage, jealousy, even pleasure. No one truly knows what anyone is capable, and Jimin knew that better than anyone. Jimin quickly grabs the file from the floor, starting to walk out the station.
"Where are you going Jimin?" He turns his head to look back at Jin and Yoongi.
"I've got a killer to catch don't I? Can't sit on my ass all day, that's not going to get anything done." Jimin walks out, heading to his car. He needed to talk to him, figure out if anything he suspected, thought was true. Something wasn't right here, and he needed to figure out what.
Hope Jimin will start believing his gut, because he always seem to be right. Hope you liked the chapter, sorry it wasn't too suspenseful. Kinda wanted to build it up a bit more before we get into the real drama xx 😘 love you all

Arrest me
FanfictionThis is kinda inspired by Agatha Christie's book The ABC Murders. Jimin a newly made detective for Seoul police becomes the new target for the famous serial killer 'alphabet killer'. Jimin is determined to catch him at any cost, even if that means g...