Jimin holds the knife in his hand, watching it glisten as the moonlight hits it. He smiles at it, tracing over the engraving. His fingers tingle from the touch, unable to contain his excitement. He couldn't wait to use it, paint it red with blood. Jimin had an idea who he wanted to use the knife on, he wanted it to be someone memorable, significant.
"Jimin baby, come with me. I've got something fun planned for us." Jungkook snaps Jimin from his trance, looking up to see Jungkook shining in the moonlight.
Jimin takes his hand, letting him drag him away to wherever it was they were going. Jungkook walks them down the midnight street, into the richer part of town. His driver stayed in the car, not to far from a curtain house Jungkook wanted to go into. He carefully opens the locked door, quietly sneaking into the house. Jimin walks behind him as they make their away up the stairs. Jungkook stops outside what Jimin assumes to be the bedroom door. Jungkook pulls out a syringe, handing it to Jimin. Jimin looks at him confused, reluctant to to take it.
"Take it Jimin, we don't want him waking up to ruin our fun." Jungkook forced it into his hands, stroking his cheek gently afterwards.
Jimin nods his head, Jungkook quietly opens the bedroom door. A middle aged man laid in his bed, fast asleep. Jimin frowns as he stares at him, wondering why he was chosen. Jungkook pushes him closer, nearing the bed.
"Why him?" Jimin whispers when he's close to the sleeping man.
"He's a bad man Jimin, hurt me when I was inside. Did things to me, forced me." Jungkook whispered in his ear, Jimin stares at the man with a new found disgust.
Jimin then plunged the needle into his neck, the man's his immediately flutter open. Jimin covers his mouth, preventing him from screaming. The man's eyes were wide with fear, staring at Jimin then shifting to Jungkook who loomed behind him.
"Remember me Dave? We're going to have so much fun." Jungkook chuckles as the man's eyelids closed, the drug taking hold.
Hoseok sat at his desk, searching through places that might be of importance to Jungkook. Somewhere he might've taken Jimin.
"Hoseok! Hoseok!" He lifts his head up, seeing Yoongi walking to his desk.
"Yeah?" Hoseok raises his eyebrow.
"Retired officer Lee Cam has been reported missing by his wife. He never came home last night, and when she tried calling him there was no answer. Hoseok he went missing just before the explosion." Yoongi moves to behind his desk, laptop in his hands.
"You think Jungkook took him? But how? Why?" Hoseok frowns, wondering why Jungkook would've taken a retired police officer. And more specifically one that was a lot older than his usual victims.
"I think it has something to do with Jimin." Hoseok turns his head, giving Yoongi his full attention.
"What? Why would it involve Jimin?" Hoseok grew even more confused as Yoongi opens up His laptop.
"Well, Officer Lee was around when Jimin's mother was killed and his father convicted. I've done some digging and it seems that he was working the night he and his brother was brought in after the incident." Yoongi shows him the files for the 11/09/04, the date Jimin's mother was murdered.
"He's on the reports, as well as the interviews. But what's weird is that in the cctv for where Jimin and Jihyun were being kept. You see officer Lee take Jimin out of the room. They're gone for a good hour before he brings him back with a small Jimin crying. You see him whisper something into Jimin's ear, which causes him to immediately stop crying. He looks terrified though, the way he shivers when Lee touches him indicates something must have happened for Jimin to be scared of his touches." Yoongi points out the subtle movements made by Jimin.
Hoseok watches the video, seeing how uncomfortable Jimin seems. How his body trembled and the way he ran to Jihyun with such desperation.
"You think officer Lee did something to him?" Hoseok asks, knowing full well what the answer was.
"I do. I did some more digging on him and found that whenever there was a case involving a young child. He was always there. One kid even reported him, saying he touched his thigh and forced his hand to feel inside his pants." Hoseok's mouth hangs open, staring in disbelief.
"Why the fuck wasn't anything done about it?" Hoseok shouts in frustration, not understanding how a grown man, a police officer could do that to innocent children.
"There was no real evidence to back it up, it was simply a child's word against a police officers. A senior police officer. Who were they going to believe?" Yoongi sighs in aguish, knowing that this man had probably got away with hurting hundreds of kids.
"That's bullshit! Just because he was a kid doesn't mean his accusation is any less valid. That child deserved to be heard. Fuck! One of our own was a predator and we did nothing to stop him." Hoseok slams his fist down on the table in anger.
"Calm down Hoseok, getting pissed off isn't going to help anyone. It's clear that Jungkook must have found out about, decided it was his turn to be the victim. He must of taken him." Yoongi stares at him.
Jimin watched as Jungkook strapped Dave to the table, restraining his wrists. He felt the butterflies in his stomach grow, getting excited at the thought of hurting the man that hurt Jungkook.
"He'll be waking up soon Jimishi, I want you to be the one to hurt him. You know I love it when I see you go all psycho on me. It's rather sexy." Jungkook walks over to Jimin, pulling him into him be the waist.
"What did he do to you Jungkook? I want to know how he hurt you." Jimin looks up at him, cupping his face.
"He used us, the inmates as his little toys. Would beat us, scream at us, touch us. Would handcuff me so I couldn't fight back. He's a bad man Jimin, he deserves everything that's coming to him baby." Jungkook brushes back Jimin's hair, using his thumb to trance over his lips.
"I'm going to kill him. Fucking kill him Jungkook! I'm going to make sure it hurts." Jimin's eyes turn dark, imagining the horrible things this man has done.
He was supposed to look after the inmates, take care of them. Not beat them, torture them, rape them. It sickened Jimin to the core. Thinking back to Lee, the officer who was meant to look after him. Supposed to comfort him when he lost his mother but instead molested him, forced him to do things he begged him not to do. Threatened his life, his little brothers. Dave was just like him, they were the same. Scum of the earth, men who deserved to die. Deserved to feel pain just like their victims. Jimin looks down at the knife in his hand, squeezing it until his knuckles turned white.
"That's my baby. Make me proud."
So sorry for the late chapter!! Promise now it's back it's regular scheduling🤪 love you to the moon and back xxxx

Arrest me
FanfictionThis is kinda inspired by Agatha Christie's book The ABC Murders. Jimin a newly made detective for Seoul police becomes the new target for the famous serial killer 'alphabet killer'. Jimin is determined to catch him at any cost, even if that means g...