Jimin stares down at Dave,the tip of his knife running down his exposed skin. Dave's eyes flutter open, fear immediate in his eyes.
"It's time to feel the pain you've made everyone else feel Dave. You've hurt people, hurt the man I love. You deserve to be punished for what you've done." Jimin presses the tip of the knife into his skin, it spiking a small amount of blood.
The man whimpers at the pain, the knife piercing his blogging flesh.
"Aghhh!" Dave cries out, Jimin dragging the blade across his skin.
Jungkook admired from the sidelines, looking proudly at his man. His eyes glisten as Jimin plays with his knife, slicing Dave's skin. Blood soaked the knife along with Dave's skin. Jimin keeps carving his body, enjoying the pained screams coming from him.
"You're doing so good Jimishi, making me so proud baby." Jungkook comes up behind him, kissing the back of his neck softly.
Jimin smiles at the praise, moaning at his sensual lips touching his skin. Jimin digs the knife deeper, more blood begins to seep out. Dave's screams only grow loader, even through the gag you can hear how painful they are.
"You've hurt people. Why do you deserve to live huh? Deserve to be happy when all you bring to this world is pain." Jimin seethes out, gritting his teeth.
Dave's eyes flicker with fear, begging Jimin to stop, to leave him alone. Jimin removes the knife from his skin, going to the machine beside him. The wires were already stuck to his body, all he needed to do was flip the switch. Jimin looks to Jungkook for assurance, he nods his head.
"Do it baby, make him feel pain. The pain he brought of me. I want him to feel it all." With that Jimin turns it on, the man's body immediately starts to convulse.
"So beautiful isn't it Jimishi? So intoxicatingly addicting to watch." Jungkook pulls Jimin in font of him, holding his waist as the watch the man writhe around in pain.
Rain dropped down his skin, his hair sticking to his forehead. Hoseok stood outside a children's school, the body of Officer Lee lay before him. He was completely exposed, nothing covering his disfigured body. His chest was severely burnt, the all to familiar burn marks painting his skin. They were dark, the flesh almost utterly black. His skin had been almost brunt to the bone. The letter C was carved into his chest along with a note which was stuffed in his mouth.
Here lies a pathetic monster of a man who deserved this fate. Little boys will thank me, I've done a good deed for the world. Shame it wasn't me who killed him though.
Yours truly detective Jung Hoseok, hope you're not missing Jimin to much
Hoseok rereads the letter in the evidence bag in his hand. He knew what Jungkook was referring to was the fact he was a predator. A man who preyed on innocent children. But what he didn't understand was why he meant by shame I wasn't the one who killed him. Who else would've done it? It couldn't have been Jimin, he would never do that. Hoseok kept repeating that like a mantra in hopes he'd believe it. But deep down, he didn't know. He honestly could no longer say what Jimin was truly capable of. After all, Jungkook's forcing him to come face to face with the monsters of his past. The men who have haunted his dreams, caused unbearable pain in his life. Hoseok was aware Jungkook must be using this to his advantage. Making him meet the men who have tormented him. Brainwashing him into thinking the only way to ease his pain was to kill them. Rid the world of their disgusting ways.
"Hoseok?" Hoseok blinks his eyes, not realising he was lost in thought.
"Yeah Jin?" Hoseok glances down to Jin who was in his white scrubs examining the body.
"Are you okay?" Jin looks to Hoseok concerned.
"I'm fine Jin, don't worry about me." Hoseok gives him a small smile.
"Anyway what have you got for me?" Hoseok tries changing the subject.
"Well, I estimate that he was killed between 12 and three in the morning. But it appears he wasn't dumped till later. His body's already started going into rig a mortise. Indicating he's been dead for at least twelve hours if not more. I won't know for sure though until I get him back to the lab. But I believe he died from the electrical burns. They fried his body and most likely his brain. It's safe to say it wasn't a peaceful death." Jin holds his mask down as he speaks to him.
"God. How did it come to this? One of our own being killed, then finding out he was in fact a pedophile who probably molested hundreds of kids. Is it a bad thing to say that I'm not sorry he's gone. After all, all these kids are now safe." Hoseok sighs, combing back his hair.
"Even though he was Hoseok doesn't mean he deserved to die, not like this. I know those kids deserved justice, but not like this. How would this bring closure to Jimin to the other children. He deserved to be punished but in the right way. Now we just have another death on our hands." Jin stares at him sadly before looking down at the body beneath him.
Hoseok closed his eyes, nodding his head as he knew Jin was right. No matter how badly he thought he deserved it, killing was never the way. As a police officer he should know that. Hoseok glances at the man's body again, then to the letter. It scared him, terrified him to think Jimin did this. He knew if he was given the option to hurt the man that hurt him as a innocent child. He'd want to do the same, be tempted to kill him too. But for the life of him if Jimin did do this he couldn't blame him. He was confused, he had been through so much. Being kidnapped twice, almost killed. His brother being taken, threatened in front of him. He's seen the finger of death to many times to count. Been hurt more than anyone ever should be in their lives. Jungkook knew that, knew how to get to him. Knew if he forced Jimin to confront the people in his life who hurt him, only brought him pain. It might tempt him to do things he never dreamt he could do. Hoseok needed to find Jimin before it was to late, before he got sucked into Jungkook's madness.
SO SO SO SORRY for the wait, was hectic yesterday and didn't get time to update. But yay finally it's here!!!! I'll try update again today for ya precious angels 👼🏽 love ya and stay funky xxxx

Arrest me
FanfictionThis is kinda inspired by Agatha Christie's book The ABC Murders. Jimin a newly made detective for Seoul police becomes the new target for the famous serial killer 'alphabet killer'. Jimin is determined to catch him at any cost, even if that means g...