Chapter 16

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Finally, lunch rolls around. Me and Noah walk out of our third period and head to the cafeteria. We sit at my table and talk more. And that's when I see him. I watch him walk into the cafeteria looking rough. "Who is that?" Noah asks. "It's Colby. He looks a bit...rough today." I say. Colby looks around the room, I'm guessing looking for me. He finally spots me and walks over to me and Noah.

"Hey Sam, who's this?" He asks. "This is Noah. I met him this morning." I introduce him. Noah waves a bit shy. "Anyways, I was thinking tonight, maybe we can go to a res-" I cut Colby off. "I'm sorry Colby, but I'm not going on that "date" with you tonight. I have too much to do." I quote date with my fingers. "I have way to much homework, I have to help my mom in her shop and Noah is coming with me to hang out." I say. I see the hurt in his eyes.

Colby walks away and I turn back to Noah. " two uh, dating?" Noah asks. "What? Oh hell no." I say. His face brightens a little bit. The bell rings and we pack our things up. The rest of the day goes by smoothly. Mostly just me and Noah talking to each other in the back of the class room. "Here, this is my number. Text me anytime." I say handing Noah a small piece of paper. "Thanks." He says and puts it in his pocket. "Do you wanna come over and hang out at my house today?" I ask him. "Sure, I have nothing else better to do." Noah says. 

We walk back to my house and walk in. "Hi Sam, welcome home. Who is this?" She says smiling. "Mom this is Noah." I say. "Hello Mrs. Golbach." Noah says putting out his hand. "Please, call me Makenzie." She says and shakes Noah's hand. "We will be up in my room." I say and run up the stairs with Noah. I shut the door and Noah sits on my bed. "What do you want to do?" He asks. "Wanna play video games?" I say showing a controller. He nods and throw him one. "I've got COD 4,  Grand Theft Auto V, FIFA 19, and Battlefield V." I say. "COD 4 for sure." Noah says. "I like your pick. COD 4 is my favorite game." I say. I put the disk in and start it up.

After a while of playing video games Noah has to go home. I walk him outside. "Thanks for letting me come over today Sam. I had an amazing time." Noah says, "No problem Noah. You can come over anytime." I say. He walks up to me and kiss me on the cheek. "See you tomorrow Sam!" He says and runs off.  I start blushing like crazy. "What the fuck...just fucking happened?" I ask myself. I run back inside and run into the kitchen. I sit down at the kitchen table and lay my head down. "ughhhhhhhh!" I groan. "What's wrong Samuel?" Mom asks. 

"Yesterday, when Colby went home. He made me look at him and he so close to my face. Our lips where like two inches away. That made me uncomfortable. Then when I walked Noah out he kissed me on the cheek and ran off. What do I do!" I say and slam my head on table. "Oh Sam, don't slam your head on the table. Now pick your head up and look at me." She says. I sigh and pick my head up. "I don't know what to do mom. Colby is a douche bag all of the time and Noah, I only met him today and he is really nice to me." I say. 

"Follow your heat Sam. If Colby is a douche bag all of the time, don't hang out with him anymore. Go back to Corey and Aaron." She says. "But I told them to never talk to me ever again. And I said I don't want to see them ever again." I say. "Try to make it up with them." Mom says. "I bet they hate me now because of what I said." I sigh. "At least try. And with Noah, if you like him stay with him." Mom says. "You always give the best advice mom." I say and hug her. "I'm gonna go to bed now. I love you." I say and hug her. "I love you too Samuel." 

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