Chapter 18

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We walk out of third period and head to the cafeteria. We get to our table before anyone else. "What if they don't like me?" Noah says. "I'm sure they will like you. For god sake they liked me." I chuckle. Katrina and Devyn sit down next to me and hug. "I'm so sorry for being such a dick to you two." I say with tears in my eyes. "Aww, Sammy, it's okay. You don't need to cry. Like we said. We forgive you." Devyn says wiping my tears.

"And who is this?" Katrina says pointing to Noah. "Hi, I'm Noah." He says. "Hey Noah, welcome to our school. I'm Devyn and this is Katrina." Devyn says. Noah smiles and nods. Aaron and Corey sit in front of us. "I'M SO SORRY!" I yell and put my head down. "Sam! Calm down! Me and Aaron forgive you. Quit crying, I hate seeing my friends cry." Corey says. I slowly lift my head up and wipe my tears. I see Corey and Aaron smiling at me. "You really do forgive me?" I say. "Yes, we forgive you. Who is this sitting next to you?" Aaron asks. "I'm Noah. I joined here yesterday." Noah says. 

The rest of the day goes by smoothly. Talking with Noah, Aaron, Corey, Katrina, and Devyn. The bell rings telling us that we can go home. "I totally forgot that today is Friday." Katrina says. "Me too. When I woke up today, I thought it was Wednesday." I say laughing a bit. "You guys want to come to my house? My parents are out of town so we have the whole house for the weekend." Corey says. "PARTY AT COREY'S!" Me and Aaron yell out. Noah and Devyn start laughing their asses off. "Lets-a-go children." Corey says. "Bro, I swear Corey sounds like a mom. We are like a fucked up family." Katrina says. "Yeah, Corey is the mom, Aaron is the weird dad, Devyn is the awesome Aunt, Katrina is the lit Grandma, Noah is the child of Corey and Aaron, and I'm that really fucked up Uncle." I say. 

"I honestly thought I would be the fucked up Uncle and you be the Dad Sam." Aaron says laughing. "We can switch between the two." I say, "OKAY! Let's just go to my house." Corey says. "Yes mother!" We all say. We walk out of the school. I see that Noah isn't talking and is just walking behind the whole group. "Hey Noah. What's up mane? You seem down or something." I say putting my arm around his shoulders. "I don't know. I've just never had friends that make really stupid jokes like that. Back at my old school, every time I tried to tell a joke, they would just look at me weirdly and go back to talking to each other." He says. "Well here, if you make a joke, we literally laugh at everything and anything. So don't worry about us not laughing at your jokes." I say and kiss him on the cheek. "You kissed me on the cheek yesterday, so I thought I would return the favor." I say and smirk.

We continue to walk to Corey's house. "Let's race! 3,2,1 GO! I yell. I start sprinting. "HEY! SAM GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Noah yells behind me. I turn around and see them all sprinting towards me. I turn the corner and run into somebody. "Hey! Watch where your going!" They yell at me. "Well sorry, you should of been on the other side of the sidewalk douche bag!" I yell in his face. He scoffs and walks off. I start running again. I finally get to Corey's house with Devyn and Noah right behind me. "Jesus Sam! You run fucking fast!" Devyn says. "I really like running. I'm going to join Track this year." I say. We see Corey, Aaron, and Katrina walking up to us. "We gave up when we turned the corner back there." Corey says. He takes out his keys and unlocks the door. We all pile into his house and look around. "Damn Corey, you've got a nice house." I say. 

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure my parents are rich, but every time I say that, they always deny it." He says. 

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