Chapter 22

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"Okay boys, I've think you've helped enough today." Mom says.  "Are you sure Makenzie? I can help more right now." Noah says. "Oh no Noah. It's okay. You two have done enough. Now, run along." She says. We leave the bakery and sit on a nearby bench. What do you wanna do now?" I ask him. "Wanna spend the night at my house tonight?" Noah asks. "Sure. I haven't been to your house yet." I say laughing a bit. "Awesome." He says. I sigh and look at the sky. "Something on your mind?" Noah asks.

I nod. "I don't know why Colby keeps trying to get with me. I like this other boy but I don't know if he likes me back." I say looking at the ground. "Wait, your gay?" Noah asks sitting up. "Surprise...!" I say giving a fake smile. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm gay too." Noah says proudly. "I learn something new about you everyday." I say giggling. "Tell me more about your crush." Noah says wiggling his eyebrows. "Well, he's super nice and sweet. We talk everyday. But I just don't know if he likes me." I say and turn my head towards him.

"Sam, please think I am someone else." Noah says. "What are yo-" I get cut off by Noah smashing his lips into mine. I hesitate and don't understand anything until I lean into the kiss. I pull away and try to process what happened. "What. The. FUCK!" I turn forwards and see an angry looking Colby. "Get our of here Brock." Noah says. "Why the fuck did you just kiss him?!" Colby screams at Noah. I sit there, confused. My anxiety starts building up and I can't breathe. "He doesn't want you anyways." Noah says. "He told me. He doesn't want to be with you. Your too scary for him. He's a sweet boy and your just a demon." Noah says.

"N-Noah, let's just go to your house." I say tugging on his arm. We stand up and start walking away. Colby grabs my arm and tugs me back. "You aren't taking him with you." Colby says. "He wanted to come over so we are going." Noah says and grabs my other arm. They both start playing a game to tug-o-war with me. "ENOUGH! Both of you sit down NOW!" I yell. They both drop my arms and sit on the bench. "Now Colby, What Noah said is true. We just don't go together. I'm happy, sweet, and all sunshine n rainbows. You... your depressing, rude, and full of demons. You should of told me before I met Noah. Both of you, need to stop fighting about me. I'm not an object. I am a human being. No if you'll excuse me, I have someone's house to go to. Come on Noah." I say and start walking away.

Noah catches up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. Noah leads me to his house and we walk inside. "You have an amazing place." I say. "I'm home!" Noah yells. There's boxes everywhere. "We still haven't finished packing yet." He says. A plump lady with blonde hair and glasses walks up to us. "Hello, you must be Sam. I'm Noah's mother, you can call me Zoey." She says. "Hello. You have a beautiful home." I smiling. "Why thank you Sam. You can make yourself at home." Zoey says. "Dinner will be ready at 7." She says and walks away. We run upstairs and run into Noah's room.

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