Chapter 19

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We listened to some music and played video games for the rest of the day. "Okay, I have four guest bedrooms. You four can use one tonight. Devyn is sleeping with me in my room." Corey says. We walk upstairs and find the four guest rooms. "Sweet, the guest rooms are right next to each other." Aaron says. "I call dibs on this one!" I say opening the door. The walls are black with with small white flowers. The curtains are a light grey color and the bedding is white and black. There is a dresser with a TV on it and a remote next to it. The rest of them go find their rooms. "Good night everyone. See you in the morning." Corey yells from the hallway. "GOODNIGHT MOTHER!" We yell again. I laugh to myself and get comfortable in the bed. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up with a cold sweat and look around. "What the *pant* the fuck is happening *pant* to me?" I ask my self. I slowly throw the blankets off of me. I slowly open the door and walk down the hall. I open the door next to mine quietly and hear snoring. "Aaron for sure." I say quietly. I close that door and open the next one. The light is on but I see long dark hair. Katrina. I crack the last one open and see the light is on and he is still up. I open the door more and he looks towards the door and sees me. "Hey Sam." Noah says. "H-hey Noah." I say looking down. "Is something wrong?" He asks. I nod my head a little. "Come here." He says. I walk in and shut the door, I walk over to the bed and sit on it. Noah closes his book and moves closer to me. He wraps his arms around me and I lean in. "So Sammy, whats wrong?" He asks. I flinch as he calls me "Sammy".

"I-i had a nightmare. It was the worst nightmare I have ever had." I say. I start shaking. Noah holds me closer to him. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Noah asks. I nod slowly. "This is how it started... I woke up in the park down the road from my house. I was laying on the grass. I stood up and nobody was around. I tried calling for someone but nobody answered me. I heard something behind me and saw you and everyone else here. You guys all looked...dead. You all kept calling my name telling me everything is going to be alright. So I ran from the park back to my house. I opened the door and slammed it shut. I ran up to my room and hid under the bed. I heard footsteps coming from the hall. I thought it was my mom so I peeked out the door. When I saw who it was I shut the door quickly and hid back under my bed. My door opened and...and Colby was calling my name saying 'Sam, oh Sam. Where are you Sammy? I just want to talk. You can come be with me and everyone else if you come out from your hiding spot.' He checked the bathroom and my closet. I saw him get on his knees and look under the bed. He gave me a weird smile and grabbed me. I tried to peel his grip off of me but he was too strong. He dragged me out of my house and back to the park. He tied me up to a pole and there was wood around the pole. He said 'Now you Can properly be with us, Sam. This is all how we where sacrificed.' I screamed and cried. Colby took a lighter and lit the wood on fire. Then I woke up." I say shaking.

"Oh Sammy, it's just a nightmare. It's not real." Noah says. "I know, it just felt real." I say looking up at him. "Well, next time, I'll be there with you to keep you safe." He says smiling. "Thanks Noah." I say. I yawn and rub my eyes. "I'm gonna go to bed." I say. "Do you want to stay with me?" Noah asks. I look at him for a few seconds. "S-sure." I say. Curse my stuttering. He nods. I get under the blanket and wrap myself up in it. He takes off his glasses and turns the light off.

He gets situated and wraps his arms around my waist. I start blushing like crazy. I eventually close my eyes and fall asleep.

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