Ch. 1: Leaving

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You're a twenty nine year old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). It's the evening and you're in the kitchen of your small house, washing dishes. Your boyfriend Ronnie Jacobs is out with some guys at the moment doing who knows what. He never tells you where he's going.

But let's just say, he's not the best boyfriend... at all. He's abusive. He'll smack you around, verbally abuse you, tell you not to burn his food when you cook, and so on. You've taken his crap for over three years since you've dated.

The day you met, he actually seemed really sweet. But three months into dating, he showed his true colors. The moment he threw a vase towards you and yelled at you, you knew he'd do this a lot more than just that one time. You knew you were in for it. In an abusive relationship. But things are about to change for you, today. You're about to snap, little does Ronnie know.

But your mom, Megumi was no different. She made your life a living hell. She had you when she was only fifteen years old and that was back in 1990. The year you were born. Your dad Derek was that age, too. Your mom showed no love towards you. The only time she did was when you helped her win money on a lottery ticket when you were seventeen years old.

After that, she was back to calling you out. Your dad was never around. He left your mom after you were born. You would see him once in a while. Unlike your mom, at least your dad felt some remorse for how he's been. Like he was never there to save you from your mom.

Your mom would lock you in a room for hours for doing absolutely nothing to deserve it. She'd smack you and yell at you after drinking. There were even times where you were suicidal or ran away from home once in a while to stay with your best friend Shirley Kingston. You did all of that because of her.

As you wash dishes and you put them away, you walk into the living room. You sigh and you say, "God, I'm really dreading Ronnie coming home. I really am. Sick of the sadistic bastard hitting me all the time. It's time I put a stop to it." You plop down on the couch and you pick up the remote.

You turn the TV on and you get it on the show The Office. You sigh and you smile watching that. You look at the front door and you say, "Just stay at your friends' house a little longer, Ronnie. Just take your time."

You look away and you say, "I honestly don't give a shit if he's cheating. I'm almost done with him, anyways. Little is he aware. Oh, and my mother... such a bitch. And poor aunt Genki's put up with her crap, too. That's her older sister." You watch TV for a little bit.

Moments later, you're in your room, getting a loose sweater on. You suddenly hear the front door opening and you take a deep breath. You say, "Okay... Numb nuts is back." You walk out of the room.

You hear this, "Hey dummy." You sigh and you say, "Hi, Ronnie." You look over to see him. There he is. Ronnie Jacobs. He's thirty years old. He's got medium brown hair, a goatee, a red plaid shirt, torn blue jeans, etc. He grins and says, "How are ya? Any dirty dishes in there left unclean? They don't wash themselves, you know."

You walk passed him and you say, "They're done, Ronnie. Perfectly fine." He growls and he says, "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you, bitch!" He pulls you back and you gasp. He pulled you by your hair. He says, "Look at me!" You look at him, saying nothing.

He says, "You're the most useless skank I've ever had for a girlfriend. A hooker would make a better girlfriend than you." You say, "Then go with whoever they are, Ronnie." He says, "What the hell did you just say?"

You look at him and you move away. You say, "You heard me, shit head. You heard me straight up." He growls and he says, "Call me that again. Come on! I fucking dare you!!" You yell, "Shit head!!" He runs after you. You run into the living room and you pick up the lamp on the side table next to the couch.

Suddenly, you knock him in the head with it. He falls to the floor, unconscious. You drop the lamp and you walk to him. You stand over him and you say, "I've had enough of your crap, Ronnie! Enough!!" You kick him on the side.

You squint your eyes and you say, "If you ever come near me again, I'll kill you! Bastard! I'm out of here. Done with you!!" You grab some things from your room and you start packing everything you need. Clothes, toiletries, blankets, pillows, laptop, etc. You grab your phone charger and phone and you get everything.

You leave your room. You look over at the unconscious Ronnie and you say, "Good riddance." You head out with a couple of the suitcases you have and you get to your car. You get them in the backseat.

You get in the driver's seat and you say, "I'll find a hotel for tonight. At least seventy miles out of this town. I'll give aunt Genki a call. God, I miss those guys." You start the car and you drive off.

You're driving down the road to get to a hotel or a motel to stay at for tonight. You just really needed to leave your now ex boyfriend who has been abusing you for a while. You got back at him and knocked him out, then left.

You get your radio on and it plays the song The Hills by The Weeknd. You say, "Hey. I like this song." You listen to that and you sing, "I only call you when it's half passed 5. The only time that I'll be by your side..." And so on. You drive the rest of your way down the interstate.

You get seventy miles out of your hometown and you find a motel. It's cheap and kind of cruddy, but it would have to do. You drive up the road and there's just a gas station, the motel and a small church across from the gas station. That's about it.

You pull up into the parking lot of the motel and you park right outside. You say, "Alright. I'm gonna check into a room. I'll give my aunt a call." You get out of your car and you walk to the office.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now