Ch. 24: Question From Father

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You and Father get upstairs to Judith's room and you get in there. She's crying. You get to her crib and you get her out of it. You hold her close. You say, "Shh. Baby. It's okay. Mommy's got you.~" Her cries die down. Father says, "Let's bring her downstairs." You say, "Okay." Father looks at Judith and he says, "Daddy's princess.~" Judith coos. He kisses her on the forehead.

You and Father walk out of the baby's room, taking her with you. Her cries have died down. You smile and you look down at her saying, "Awe. You just wanted to be held, didn't ya? Yes, that's right. Mommy's little girl just wanted me and her daddy.~" Father clears his throat to prevent a blush from occurring on his face.

You look at him and you smirk. You grin and you hold Judith close doing the baby talk again, "I think daddy really likes mommy's little talk. Yes he does. Oh, yes he does.~" He blushes and says, "C-cut it out, (Y/N). For fuck sakes."

You giggle. He says, "Let's just get downstairs." You say, "Okay, okay." You giggle. He says, "Besides, later on when the Delightful Children and Judith are in bed, I've got that thing to ask of you."

You say, "Okay." You and Father head downstairs with the baby in your arms. You kiss her on the cheek. You get downstairs and you see the Delightful Children. You smile and you say, "Hi guys." They says, "Hello, mother. Hello, father. Hello, little sister." Judith looks at them and she smiles.

You suddenly smell something and you say, "Smells like Judith needs to be changed. Children?" Their smiles fade and they say, "Awe. Do we have to?" Father says, "Do as we say, children. She's your little sister which means you're all responsible too." They say, "Yes, father. Yes, mother." They take the baby. Bruce does.

You say, "You know where the changing station is. Everything she needs is in there." They say, "Yes, mother." They walk off, taking their little sister with them. They say, "Okay, Judith. Let's get you a clean new... diaper." They gulp and they say, "I just know I won't like this." They get to the bathroom down the hallway and they lay Judith on the table.

They suddenly hear you yelling, "By the way children! If you see something on her belly button that looks like crispy bacon, that's her umbilical cord! It's still attached to her at the moment!" They say, "Huh?" They get her shirt off and they see the cord. They say, "Gross. I don't think I'll ever eat bacon again!" They hear you and Father laughing at what they said.

They start changing her and they cringe. They say, "Eww! Gross!" This makes Judith laugh. They say, "Hey. Don't laugh at us." She giggles. They clean her and they get a new diaper on her. They get new clothes on her.

Judith smiles at her older siblings and she coos. They smile at her and they say, "There little sister. Good as new." They discard the dirty diaper and they put the old outfit in the laundry chute. The laundry room is in the basement.

They pick her up. Ashley this time. They walk out of there and they walk down the hallway. They get out in the lobby and they see you and Father. They walk over. You smile and you say, "Thanks, children. I'll take her, now. Unless you wanna keep holding her."

They hold Judith close and they say, "Can we?" Father says, "Yes. You may. I'm going out for a bit to get something. Your mother will be here." You look at him and you say, "What are you gonna get?" He says, "You'll see. I'll be back." You say, "Okay. I love you." He cups your chin and says, "I love you too. So much." You sigh and you smile.

He heads out of the Delightful Mansion and you look at the children. You say, "There might not be cake today, but I think there's that good cheesecake that the maids have cooked up. How about it, children? Want some?" They smile and they say, "We say yes." You say, "Good. Judith's due for a bottle now, anyways. Come on, kids." They follow you into the kitchen.


Later on at night, you're saying goodnight to the Delightful Children. They say, "Goodnight, mother. Goodnight, father." You say, "Goodnight, my Delightful Children. Give mama a kiss." They all move in for a kiss and you kiss each of them goodnight. You say, "Mama loves you." They say, "We love you too, mother."

Father's got Judith in his arms. He says, "Goodnight, children. Tomorrow, I want you five to make sure the Kids Next Door don't get to your cake being made. The cooks are making it, tomorrow." They say, "Yes, father. Goodnight." They head to bed.

You and Father get Judith to her room and you hum a bit to her. She falls asleep and you lay her in her crib. You whisper, "Goodnight, baby." You lean down and you kiss her on the cheek. Father leans down to kiss her on the cheek, as well. He whispers, "Goodnight, princess." You both leave her room to let her sleep. You get in your room.

Moments later, you and Father are in your guys' room. The fireplace is going. He used his fiery powers to get the fire going. You're facing one another. He says, "I've been wanting to say something to you for quite sometime, (Y/N)."

You say, "Yeah, baby? What would that be?" He gives you that look and you blush. He says, "I'll say this... I love you. I love you so much that you wouldn't believe, (Y/N).~" You blush and you smile saying, "Oh, Benedict. I love you, too.~"

He's hiding something behind his back and he says, "The love of my life. The flame of my heart. The one I admire so much. You're the most beautiful thing in the world, (Y/N). I love you so goddamn much. I want you with me, forever.~"

You look at him and you say, "Y-you mean?" He brings what's behind him in front and you see a small black box. He grabs your hand and you look at him. He drops to one knee and you gasp. You put your other hand over your mouth. He opens the box to reveal a ring. You say, "B-Benedict." He looks up at you and he says, "(Y/N)... Will you marry me?"

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now