Ch. 53: Suspicions and Brotherly Talk

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The gathering is still going on. You're all downstairs talking, the kids are playing, etc. Except for Jasper. He's upstairs. He says, "I don't like big crowds." He hears this, "I don't blame you, sweet thing.~" He looks over and sees Katherine. He sighs and smiles saying, "Good. It's just you."

She walks over to him and she strokes his hair saying, "Good view of everyone from up here, huh?" He says, "I'm used to it. I've lived in this mansion all of my life. But... I couldn't get down the stairs by myself until I was five. Mom and dad had to help me on that."

She says, "Well I don't blame you, cutie. That's a long way down for a kid. You are in a mansion." He looks down at the others. Katherine says, "Does anyone know about us, yet?" Jasper sighs and says, "Judith. She followed us through the woods near Gallagher Elementary when we went to the shed. She must've heard us talking." Katherine says, "Damn. She didn't tell anyone, did she?"

He says, "No. But she wants me to stay out of her room or she will. I don't like going in there, anyways. Too girlie." She says, "Yeah. I don't blame you. Hey. Why don't we both go down there, huh? Don't worry about how big the crowd is, Jasper. This is something you need to be used to. You do have the biggest place in town." He says, "Y-you got a good point. Okay... let's go." She smiles and leans in to kiss him on the cheek. He blushes and smiles. He says, "Okay."

They head downstairs. You look to see Katherine and Jasper coming downstairs. You smile and you say, "Good. You brought my son down." Katherine says, "He's nervous around crowds." You say, "Awe, baby. Don't be. Come over here to mama.~"

Jasper walks over to you. You pull him close and you say, "There's punch. Help yourself to some." He says, "Okay." You lean down and you kiss him on the cheek saying, "Mommy loves you, honey." Benedict says, "Damien's over there too." Jasper walks over to the punch bowl and Damien sees him.

He grins and says, "Hey, Jasper. Let's get some punch and go elsewhere. I've got something to ask." Jasper says, "Okay." They get some punch and Damien says, "Come on, man." The boys run off.

You, Benedict, Shirley and Count Spankulot are talking. You guys suddenly hear this, "Ben." Benedict looks over to see Monty. He says, "Oh. Hey, Monty." Monty says, "Could you come with me for a second? I need to have a talk with you, dear brother." Benedict says, "Alright." He looks at you saying, "Honey. I'll be right back." You say, "Okay, babe." You kiss him on the cheek. He walks off with his older brother.

They get to an empty hallway and they stop. Benedict faces his older sibling and says, "What's up, Monty? Is there something wrong?" Monty says, "Well, not very. But... I've got something to ask of you." Benedict says, "What is it?" Monty says, "Do you ever notice anything going on with Jasper, recently?"

Benedict says, "Not that I know of. Why?" Monty says, "Well Ben. If I were you... I'd keep an eye on that babysitter of yours. I've noticed her and Jasper whispering something to each other. I couldn't quite put my ear on what they said... but I don't think it's necessarily a normal thing."

Benedict says, "Wait. Are you saying that..." Monty says, "Yes. I have a weird feeling... that perhaps Jasper may be in love with his babysitter." Benedict says, "Well, I do kind of get the impression that he's got a crush on her... but actually dating his babysitter? It can't be. He's eight. She's fourteen."

Monty says, "Just keep an eye on those two if you must, Ben. For Jasper's sake. That girl may not be as decent as she seems." Benedict says, "Yeah. Okay." Monty says, "I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you all of this, Ben... but I would do so if I were you."

Benedict says, "So what are you saying? I should do a background check on that girl?" Monty says, "That's what I would suggest. Yes. Come on. Let's go back to the others." They walk back to the others.

They were unaware that Katherine was eavesdropping on them. She says, "You do that, Benedict. I'm coming back for Jasper, anyways... and we're leaving. I'll keep him for myself. I'm taking him because I love him." She walks off.

Back at you and the others. Violet and Cody are sitting on the living room floor. She's showing him pictures of animals and saying, "Kitty." Cody doesn't say anything. Just sucks on his thumb. She says, "Say kitty." He doesn't mutter a word. He just giggles. Violet smiles at him.

You and Kuki look down at the toddlers. You say, "Is Cody shy?" Kuki says, "That's what Wally and I are trying to figure out. He doesn't talk very much. Poor baby freaks out on loud noises more than anyone else we know does."

You say, "Non verbal. Sensitive to sound and touch. Any of that?" She says, "Yes." You say, "You might want to take him to the doctor. He may tell you, but I feel like I already know what it could be with why Cody's not speaking as much as Violet is."

Kuki says, "What do you think it is, (Y/N)? I just wanna know what's going on with my son." You say, "I'm not sure, hon... but he may be autistic." She says, "You think so?" She looks at Cody. She says, "No matter. We'll still find out. You may be right though. I'll do anything for my precious baby boy."

You smile and you say, "You and Wally are doing just fine with him. I trust you. Now you've got a kid and a grown kid. Know what I'm saying?" She giggles and says, "Yeah. I got you." You look down at Violet and Cody.

Violet says, "Say mama." Cody say, "M... ma... ma." Violet smiles and says, "Good. Kitty." Cody says, "Key... key?" Violet smiles and says, "Yay!" Kuki says, "I think Violet might already know. He may be just what you said he is, (Y/N)." You say, "Still. Go and find out with the signs you're seeing in your son." You and Kuki talk.

Right upstairs in Jasper's room, Jasper and Damien are sitting in there. Jasper's on his bed. Damien's sitting in a beanbag chair. Damien says, "Be honest dude. Are you and Katherine going out? You know. Like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Jasper smirks and leans in saying, "Don't tell anyone, but yes. Only Judith knows. The deal she made with me was to stay out of her room and she would keep our secret." Damien says, "You don't even go in there anyways, do you?" Jasper says, "No way. All of that girlie stuff is sickening." Damien says, "You said it, man. Too much pink in there, too. Even more sickening. I'm half vampire."

Jasper says, "Man. It just feels great being that kind of kid. You know? Being able to have a girlfriend over twelve." Damien says, "Man. You are lucky. I wish I could be in your shoes right now."

Jasper says, "Katherine is just so pretty. A-and she comes here to see me. I've snuck out with her before. To her place. She had her parents' wine. Drink it again in the shed. Except my cousin Mushi noticed booze on my breath, but she gave me gum. I told her a lie and said a random middle school guy slipped the wine to me and left."

Damien grins and says, "You told me about a shed in the woods near Gallagher Elementary. Is that where you and Katherine were during recess while I was out sick?" Jasper says, "Yeah. That's where Judith found us out."

Damien says, "Did you kiss Katherine in the mouth?" Jasper says, "Just a peck on the lips and a few kisses on the cheek. Nothing more. But she did show me her underwear." He grins. Damien grins and says, "Nice." They talk the rest of the time.

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