Ch. 12: Breaking the News

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You're surprised by this. You say, "Me? Their mother?" Father, now Benedict smiles and says, "Yes. The Delightful Children were good to you from the beginning. They sensed something in you. You may seem good for now, sweetheart... but evil runs in your veins. I can see it. It's waiting to be let out. Care for those little cousins of yours all you want... You'll change aside from that."

You say, "I said I'd love them no matter what I am." You look at him and you say, "Is there something else you want to tell me besides me becoming ahem... Mother?" He says, "Yes. Actually, there is." You look at him.

He says, "(Y/N). You're the very woman I've fallen for. I want you to live here... with me." You blush and you say, "Yeah?" He grabs your hands and he says, "You'll have everything you could ever dream of living here. You'll be rich, powerful... Like me. Oh, people saw me as a wimp when I was a child. My father especially. But I've gained respect from other villains in this town. I have five delightfulized children. I just need you here as my wife... and I'll be complete."

You sigh and you say, "Benedict. I don't care about the rich part. I'm not a gold digger. I just like YOU." He pulls you close and he says, "Either way... I've got you with me.~" You smile and he leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back. You grip the buttons on his shirt and you undo them, quickly. You feel his toned chest and you moan into the kiss.

You pull away and he says, "Can't get enough of me, can you?~" You say, "Benedict. People can say all they want about you. Look on the bright side besides getting a woman. You've gained an amazing body.~" He grins and says, "I love hearing that.~"

You say, "Well, you do Benedict. What woman wouldn't wanna fall for you? You've got a dark side to you. You've got that power. And... you're amazing in bed.~" He blushes and he clears his throat. You giggle and you say, "It's true.~"

He says, "That's great and all... but you're the one I've chosen. Most beautiful thing in this world.~" You smirk and he says, "Something on your mind?~" You nod and you undo his suspenders.

You get his shirt off and you say, "Oh yeah. Something is definitely on my mind... Father.~" He blushes and says, "Ooh, the way you say it.~" He pulls you close and you both kiss. He brings you over to the bed. You have your moment the rest of the night.


The next day, you're back at your aunt and uncle's place. This time, something inside of you is changing. You won't be the same. The only things that will remain is that you love your family you currently live with.

But the Delightful Children also take a liking to you. And you feel as though you'll be taking part as acting like a mother, since that's how they're starting to see you. Little does Kuki know. But you won't keep it from her. Not this time. Besides, she already knows about you and Father. She saw you kissing him. You also had something to tell your aunt and uncle later.

You're in your room looking at your laptop. This time, Benedict is talking to you over the phone. You're sitting on your bed as you talk to him and you look at your laptop. He says, "Any of those kids up there listening to you right now?" "No. They're downstairs watching TV, babe. But it doesn't matter. I can't keep us a secret. Just like you said."

You lay on your stomach as you talk to him. He says, "I just need you to myself. You know that, right?" "Mhm.~" "Oh, the children look forward to having you live here with us. They need their mother." "I'll tell these guys during dinner. I'm not keeping it from them. I love you too much, Benedict." "And I love you."

You suddenly hear a slight change in the voice and he says, "And I look forward to more nights spent with you, beautiful. Oh, the things I'd do to you.~" You realize that Benedict is Father now.

You blush and you say, "So do I, sweetie.~" "Next time... I'll make you scream my name. My real name. I'll be Father at the moment. Better yet, come here tomorrow when the children are at school.~" You smile and you twirl your hair saying, "Okay. I will. Anything for you.~" "That a girl.~"

You hear a knock on the door and you say, "I gotta go, babe. I'll see you, tomorrow." "I'll see you then.~" You hang up and you say, "Yes?!" You hear this, "(Y/N)! It's Kuki! Mom says dinner's ready!" You say, "Alright, hon! Thanks!" You get up and you walk to the door. You open it and you say, "Hey, Kuki." She smiles and says, "Hi, (Y/N)." You follow her downstairs.


You're eating dinner with your aunt, uncle and cousins. Genki says, "You won't believe who called me." You say, "Who?" She sighs and says, "Your father, (Y/N)." You say, "Really now. Daddy called you?" She says, "Yes. He tells me he regrets doing what he did."

Kani says, "At least HE unlike that damn sister-in-law of mine, feels remorse." You say, "I know. He's told me, before that he regrets ever leaving me. He told me that he wasn't getting away from me. He was getting away from my mother."

Kuki says, "Why didn't your dad take you?" You say, "Custody rules. Mommy gets the kid. Psh. Let's let the worst parent have the kid." You eat your food, but you don't use your fingers to pull off the steak. You use your knife.

Genki says, "Huh. I've noticed a few changes in you, (Y/N)." You say, "What do you mean?" She says, "You're acting like your date is a rich man and you're picking up on some habits from him." You say, "About that, guys."

They look at you. You say, "His name's not Fabio." Kani says, "It's not? Then what is it?" You say, "His name's Benedict. Benedict Uno." Kuki says, "Uno? Y-you mean like Nigel Uno?" You say, "Yeah. It's his uncle I'm dating." Kuki gasps.

Mushi says, "Is he still a prince?" You say, "Well, he's the richest man I know, so in a way... yeah. But I don't care about his money or any of that." Genki says, "Only your mom would. That's why she dated your dad in the first place. He came from a rich family."

You say, "But that's not all, guys. I may be... moving in with him, soon." Kuki's eyes widen and her mouth drops. They all look at you. Genki says, "He wants you to move in with him?" You say, "Yeah. He's got five adopted children. And let me tell you about them."

Kuki already knows, but decides not to say anything. You say, "Benedict actually adopted them. They're all strictly behaved children. They all say the exact same things the exact same time." Kuki mumbles, "They're not behaved. They tried to destroy us." You say, "Those kids like me, though. Benedict told me he wants me as their mother." Kuki gasps.

You say, "Benedict's had a pretty bad life with a parent, too. His dad." Kani says, "What? Did his dad disown him? He's rich." You say, "That's not the case. It's... it's complicated. But the bright side is, he's got ME. He and I have a lot in common here when it comes to our checkered past." You talk to them and you eat the rest of the time.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now