Ch. 23: Guess Who?

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A few moments later, the Delightful Children still have Judith. Bruce is still holding her and they say, "We'll teach your our ways, little sister. You have your own mindset... we'll just raise you to be... evil. You are next to take father's place in this house. Everything he owns."

Judith looks up at them and coos. They smile down at her and they say, "Not a thing is going to take our little sister away from us." Suddenly, Judith begins to cry. They're more hungry cries. They look at each other and they say, "Little sister is hungry. Let's take her to mother."

They walk out and they yell, "Mother!" You come walking out and you say, "Hand her here, children." You take Judith and you get a bottle out. You say, "By the way. Supper's ready. Come eat." They say, "Yes, mother." They follow you. You feed Judith her bottle and she drinks it.

You get to the dining room and you get to the table. You sit down. You say, "Be separate while you eat, children." They say, "Yes, mother." They separate and they sit down. Father comes in and says, "The only time your mother wants the five of you separated."

He sits down and the maids come out with the food and a thing of pie for dessert. They set it down and they say, "Enjoy your meal." Father says, "Our maids. Have a seat. Join us." You smile and you nod saying, "You cater to our children really well." The Delightful Children say, "Yes, indeed. They do, mother."

One maid says, "Would you like for us to wash the children and the baby's bed clothes after we're done?" You say, "That would be appreciated. Thank you." The same maid smiles and says, "Anytime, mistress."

Father says, "And mine and (Y/N)'s as well, while you're at it. "Another maid says, "Yes sir." You say, "The children need their baths too. Have their bathwater ready after we eat." They say, "Yes, ma'am."

You suddenly get a message on your phone and you say, "Children. Could one of you check that for me? I've got Judith right now." They say, "Yes, mother." Constance grabs it and they all look. They say, "Mother. There's a message saying guess who. It's an unknown number." Father grabs the phone and says, "Let me see that."

He looks and says, "Guess who." You say, "I have that app on my phone where you can trace the call. It'll show you who's calling or texting you." He gets to it and he finds an address... and the name of the person. He says, "Oh shit." You say, "Babe. Who is it?" He looks at you and says, "Your mother... Megumi."

Your eyes widen and you say, "No way. How the hell did she get a hold of me? I've been out of her life for a while." You see another message from her saying, "It's your dear old mama." You whisper, "What the fuck does she want?" The Delightful Children look at her and they ask, "Is everything alright, mother?"

You say, "Y-yes, children. Mama's just... surprised is all. Eat your supper." They say, "Yes, mother." They eat. You set the phone down and you say, "I have no time to respond anyways. It's not like I want to. I need to burp Judith." You bring Judith up to your shoulder and you pat her back. Father grabs a cloth off the table and he says, "I think you may need this, babe."

You say, "Thanks." You take it and you put it on your shoulder where you have Judith, in case she spits up. You continue patting her back until she lets out a burp. You say, "There we go. All done.~" You bring her back down and you eat your dinner. She's fast asleep in your arms. Father says, "That was fast." You say, "I'll say." You continue eating supper the rest of the time.


Later on, you've got Judith sleeping in her room. You're downstairs in the living room. Father took the Delightful Children out. You're just sitting there watching TV. You suddenly hear your phone ringing and and you pick it up. You look to see the same number. You say, "What the hell does she want from me? Fuck it. I'm getting this over with."

You answer and you hear this, "Good... You answered the phone, little (Y/N)." You say, "What do you want, mother?" She chuckles and says, "Surprised to hear from me after all of these years? I hear you're living the life of luxury. Five adopted children. A little one of your own."

You angrily say, "You stay away from them." "Don't worry. I won't hurt them... much. You left Ronnie. I liked him. He was hurting you as much as I should have." She chuckles and says, "I'll just simply... find you and pay you a visit. Be waiting for mama's return.~" She laughs a bit evilly.

You stand up and you say, "You can do whatever the fuck you want to me, mother... but you better not lay a goddamn hand on my daughter!" She laughs and she says, "I'm coming for you. I'm coming for those little brats too.~" She laughs. You yell, "You stay away from my children you bitch!!" You hang up and you throw your phone towards the couch out of anger.

You pant a bit. Your eyes are red. You're unaware that Father is back and he's standing right in the doorway. He says, "Babe. Everything alright?" You say, "No." He walks over. You turn to him and you hug him. He holds you close and he says, "You got a call from your mom, didn't you?"

You say, "Yes." He sighs and says, "You're not the only one." You look at him and you say, "Oh? Did your dad make a call?" He says, "Yes. Right before our Delightful Children and I came to the mansion, he called me. Said he'd be by in a few days. He knows about Judith." You say, "So does my mom, apparently."

He says, "Baby." You look up at him. He gives you the half lidded eyes and he says, "I've told you, before. We'll work on this together. We'll get back at them for what they did to us. I love you, sweetheart. Love of my life.~"

You smile and you say, "Oh Ben. I love you, too.~" He takes the pipe out of his mouth and he leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back. You pull apart and he says, "By the way... I've got something to ask you tonight when the kids are in bed."

You say, "You do?" He says, "Yeah. It's been on my mind all day. I'll say this... I love you so much. The woman of my dreams.~" You smile and you say, "Awe. Ben.~" You hear crying from upstairs and you and Father both say, "Judith's awake." You walk off.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now