Ch. 6: Increasing Desire

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The next day. It's 5pm and you're eating dinner with your aunt, uncle and cousins. You say, "Mm. Great dinner, guys." Genki smiles and says, "Thank you." You say, "It's nice to eat dinner without being smacked around for once." They look at you. Mushi says, "Who smacked you, (Y/N)?"

You say, "Well, sweetie. A very mean man by the name Ronnie Jacobs. He did it to me a lot for three years." Kuki says, "But, you're not with him anymore." You say, "Nope. I'm not." Kani says, "At least you don't have any kids with him." You say, "I know. Thank fucking god. Pardon my french. Don't mean to swear in front of the girls."

Genki says, "(Y/N). Do me a favor, dear." You look at your aunt. She says, "Don't ever fall in line for someone like that again. Not if they'll continue abusing you." You say, "You have my promise, aunt Genki." She says, "Good." You say, "I will say this... I hope Kuki and Mushi never have to go through the same thing I did. I love them too much to see that happen."

Kuki and Mushi look at you. You sigh and you say, "I mean it. Be careful who you end up with later on. Someone may seem nice at first, but they'll eventually show their true nature." Mushi smiles and says, "Okay. I'll be careful." Kuki says, "Yeah. Me too." You sigh and you smile saying, "That's good. It would destroy me even more if it was one of you two." 

Kani says, "I need more bread." Genki says, "In the middle of the table, dear." He gets a couple of slices of bread. You say, "By the way guys. I'm going to meet a friend I met online." They look at you. Genki says, "Oh, so you've met a guy huh? Who is he?"

You say, "Fa... bio. Fabio. Yeah, that's who it is." Kuki raises a brow. Kani says, "So are you just gonna meet him or..." You say, "He's actually a friend of mine. I just... ended up finding him on Zoosk. He's a helluva lot nicer than Ronnie." Mushi says, "Oh. Is he a prince? Tell me he is." You say, "He is... somewhat. I don't know, hon. He's a friend." She says, "Oh." You all eat the rest of the time.


It's 7pm now. You're getting ready to head out and head to the Delightful Mansion From Down the Lane to see Father. Little is anyone aware, especially Kuki. You're getting your shoes on. You grab your things that you need and you head out of your room. You get in the hallway and you hear a door opening.

You look over to see Kuki. You walk over and you duck down. You say, "Hey, Kuki." She says, "Seriously, (Y/N). Who is this man you're meeting up with?" You say, "Fabio. Like I said. But hey. I'll be back either later on or tomorrow. I don't know, yet. I'll be fine." You kiss her on the forehead and you say, "I promise."

She sighs and says, "Okay." You stand up and you smile. You reach into your purse and you pull out a sucker in the shape of a Rainbow Monkey. You say, "Will this cheer you up?" She smiles and says, "Will it?! Yes it will." She takes it and says, "Thanks (Y/N)." She goes into her room.

You sigh and you say, "That's better. I hate seeing the girls upset. Now." You turn away and you head downstairs. You head out of the house and you get to your car. You put the key into the ignition and you start it. You pull out of the driveway and you drive off.

As you drive down the road, you get your radio on. The song Undead by Hollywood Undead comes on and you say, "Hey, alright." You sing to it a bit as you drive down the road. You say, "I love this song."

You get there and you park right outside. You get out of your car and you walk up to the gate. It opens as if you've been expected. You walk through and you get to the double doors. You knock on one and the doors open. You see the Delightful Children standing there.

They smile and they say, "Come in, (Y/N). We've been expecting you." You walk in and they shut the doors. You face them and you say, "Hello guys. Where's your dad?" They say, "He's upstairs waiting for you. We'll be off to bed now. Goodnight, (Y/N)." You say, "Yeah. Goodnight to you too." They walk off. You walk towards the stairs and you mumble, "I swear those kids are possessed."

You look upstairs and you sigh. You walk upstairs. You get up there and you hear your phone go off. You get it out of your purse and you look at the message you got saying, "Down the hallway to the left. The double doors straight ahead." You look to the left to see double doors just straight ahead.

You walk down there and you get to the double doors. You open a door and you walk in. You see him. Father. He's sitting in a chair next to the fireplace, wearing a red robe and black pants. The pipe is in his mouth. He looks at you and he says, "Good... You're here. Just the time I wanted you to be. Come in here.~"

The doors shut behind you and you look back. You turn to face him. He stands up and he says, "I want to get to knowing you a bit more, (Y/N). Ever since the night I saw you, you've been on my mind, constantly. Come... have a seat.~"

He walks to his bed and sits at the edge of it. You walk over and you sit next to him. Right on the nightstand near his bed is a bottle of wine and two glasses. He grabs the bottle and he pours some wine into both of them. He sets the bottle down and he picks the now wine filled glasses up.

He hands one to you and he says, "Have some wine.~" You say, "Thanks." You bring your legs upon the bed and you sit with your legs folded. You take the glass of wine and you take a drink of it. You lick your lips and he's watching you with want. He thinks to himself, "Ooh, those luscious lips of hers. I need to feel them on my own.~" 

You look at him and you say, "A man like you. You had to have had a lot of women fall for you.~" He says, "Oh no... not me." You say, "What?" He takes the pipe out of his mouth and he takes a drink of his wine. He looks at you and says, "At least not like this."

You say, "But you've got that dark side to you that the majority of females in this world crave. Plus, you have five kids." He says, "I adopted them." You say, "Oh. That makes sense." You take a drink of your wine and you say, "Something else we have in common besides shitty parents." He says, "You have adopted ones of your own?"

You say, "No. Neither biological nor adopted for me... at least not now. I don't know. I just got out of a really shitty relationship with my ex though. Asshole was abusing me." You take a drink of your wine.

He says, "A woman like you deserve better than that. A real man. Someone who can give you anything you desire. Meet with your standards. I know mine... and I've got that very thing here with me right now.~" He takes a drink of his wine.

You say, "Yeah?~" He sets the wine glass down on the nightstand. You drink yours and you lean over to set it down as well. You sit back and you face the shadowy man. He sits closer to you and you blush. He cups your chin and he has the half lidded eyes. It's a look of want in them.

You look at him the same way. He says, "Ooh, my desire to have you near me is increasing (Y/N).~" He leans in and he says, "The one thing I now want more than to destroy the Kids Next Door... is you.~" You blush and you smile.

He suddenly presses his lips onto your into a kiss. You find yourself melting into it and you kiss him back. You pull apart and he says, "This is your first night with me... so I may not go any further with you. Not tonight at least.~" You blush. He says, "This is more of an... introduction as I should put it.~"

You smile and you say, "I get it. You don't wanna be too forward and try to get to second base on the first date." He says, "Believe me (Y/N). With you... It's tempting. Very tempting.~" You blush.

He says, "Finish your wine... and I'll walk you out to your car." You say, "Okay." You reach over and you grab your wine glass. You take a drink. He drinks his. You have your time with him until you head back to your aunt and uncle's house a couple of hours later.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now