Y/n: Trapped

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Okay, so I made a list of possible choices:

Yaoyorozu (DONT worry, will explain later)
Author (tho I admit this is kinda weird, but seeing as all the shit she's done for you, why not. Also because I'm lonely as fuck.)

"Author?" You called to her, "Where am I?"
Author sighed and closed her eyes, almost not wanting to tell you.

"You're... in Tartarus," she replied. Your eyes widened slightly.

"Wait... no, why?"

"According to witnesses, you assisted the Hero Killer: Stain and killed several civilians and heroes."
You leaned against the straps and fought against the bonds.

"That wasn't me! I didn't do it on my own free will!" You exclaimed. The gun muzzles that were placed inside the room pointed at you.

"Calm down, Y/n," Author said, eyes glancing at the corners. "If you keep acting up, you'll be shot into swiss cheese."

"I didn't do it! That wasn't me!"

"Regardless, you did it. You're held accountable for the crimes you commit, even if you weren't in your right state of mind," she explained. You relaxed, but the warmth spreading through your body only made your heart rate rise.

"How... how long... will I be here?" You asked quietly, voice beginning to quiver.

"It's..." Author pursed her lips. "It's not looking good. Thirty years minimum."

"I—wait—what?" Author could see your eye tearing up behind the facial mask. "Can't you... do anything?"
She sighed and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Even if I could, almost all of the pro-heroes agreed you should be kept away from the public and other people."

"What about Class 1-A? Did they... did they agree too?"


"Please, Author."


"Please, I need to know!"

"I don't think I should say."

"Say it!"

"There were some that agreed, yes."

"... who?"

"... Tokoyami, Bakugo, Asui, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Mineta. Those who disagreed were Midoriya, Krishima, Denki, Sero, Hagakure, and Ashido. Those who were on the fence were Koda, Jiro, Aoyama, Iida, Sato, Shoji, and Todoroki, but ultimately, no one tried to defend you being sent here."

You flopped against the seat.

"Heh... haha..." You laughed, a tear getting caught in the mask, pooling. "Of course... why would I ever dare to think that... that they'd accept me." Author frowned at you, a weird feeling swirling around in her chest.

"As of now," she spoke, "There's no chance of getting out of here, but..." She paused, eyes glancing upwards for a moment.

"In time, you will have a chance to explain yourself."
A snort left your nose.

"In what? Twenty years? Thirty? What's the point at that point in time where I'm... I'm just not... living?"
Author sighed and stood up.

"Then I don't know what to do, Y/n."

"What about Nori MoMo?" You suddenly asked.

"Her agency was empty when I went there. I don't know where she is," she replied, "I suspected her of being a spy of some kind, but didn't have enough proof."

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