Y/n: Escaped

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I narrowed the endings down a bit:


How long have you been here? A week? Two? A month? Time seems so slow.

"My name is Y/n L/n, I'm 16, I love memes, I'm a bad bitch—my name is Y/n L/n, I'm 16, I love memes, I'm a bad bitch—"
You were losing your mind. The white room you were placed in was messing with your head, disorientating you. You repeated that phrase to yourself over and over.
You didn't recognize your own voice anymore. It was crazed, desperate, lonely. Did you even realize you were talking? Probably not.

"It's okay, you're just in a room that's completely white—oh GOD it's like I'm at a Trump rally! I'M NOT EVEN IN THE SAME COUNTRY THIS IS BULLSHIT!"
You were chained and bound like an animal. You couldn't even move a finger or a toe. Whoever made your restraints knew what the hell they were doing.

Look at how pathetic you've gotten.
Can't even get yourself out of these measly restraints?
Are you even the same person who won the Sports Festival?

'I won that by sheer dumb luck. I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve any of the chances I got.'

Damn right you didn't.
You wasted all of them.
Nezu must feel like a fool giving you a chance.

'Please, stop... just be quiet... you haven't shut up for hours, just... give me a break... please...'

You've pushed us away.
Locked us up in the cold, dark corners of your mind.
Now that you're here, we can finally say what we've been wanting to.

'Please don't...'

The white room you were in cracked, wall by wall.

"Huh?" It was enough to draw your attention. "What's happening?"
The walls slowly collapsed to the floor, the white now being replaced with a dark abyss.

That voice was so close, but so far.

It's closer now. Who was it? The tone is all weird.

"Y/n, focus."
A figure appeared in front of you. Their abnormally short stature you recognized immediately.

"Author!" You exclaimed, "What the fuck you bitch! The hell you think you're doing?!"

"I'm getting you out," she replied, finally coming out into light.

"Where am I?" You asked, looking around.

"You're in my subconscious," she replied, "It'll be a few minutes for your body to follow."

"For my—" You stumbled over your words, "—the hell you mean my body?! What did you do?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm getting you out," she said, "Close your eyes. I'll tell you when to open them."

"Now hold on a damn moment—"

You shut them tightly. Your body—which you couldn't feel—slowly began to tingle.

'What's going...'

"Open your eyes."
Following her order, you slowly raised your lids. Looking around, you noticed you were in a cell of some sort, but not nearly as fortified as Tartarus.

"So you broke me out of jail just to put me in another jail?"
Author smacked you on the head.

"Idiot. I'm getting both of us out of here. Follow me." She walked towards a small slat window and placed her hand on the cement wall. With a jerk of her shoulder, the wall gave out.
A loud alarm rang through the building.

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