Faintly, you could hear the door slide open through your slumber.
"Here she is, Miss Red."
"Thank you."
Slowly, you opened your eyes. Soft, white lights greeted you instead of blinding hospital ones.
"Are you awake?" She took a seat next to you.
"No, I'm sleeping with my eyes open," you replied dryly. A chortle left her mouth.
"Yes, of course, my bad." She smiled at you. "How are the meds helping? The therapy?" You slowly sat up, propping the pillows behind you.
"Uh, the meds are helping, I guess. So is the talk therapy," you replied.
"What meds are you on?"
"Uh... antidepressants, anxiolytic for the anxiety, and suvorexant for the insomnia."
"How's Kana and Aki?" She asked.
"Better... they're... talking with me. Not so hostile like before," you replied, staring down at your hand. Author reach out and grabbed it. You looked up at her.
"How are you doing, Author? You... I saw the roof explode, I thought you died, I-"
"Y/n," she said, leaning forward on your bed. "A puny explosion is not going to kill me. Like I said before, I was assigned to watch over you. I have yet to be excused from that mission. Until I am, I will never not be there for you. Ever."
Her eyes held such sincerity you felt it go through your heart."Heh..." You looked down at your lap. "Thank you. Seriously." Author tilted her head at you, but let you continue.
"I wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't be anywhere without you..." You looked up at her. "I wouldn't be alive without you, and I..." You squeezed her hand back tightly, but she didn't seem to mind.
"I owe you so much... my life, my dignity, my time..."
A crooked smile made its way to her face."Well, bold of you to assume you have any dignity."
"Wow fuck you."
"But," she continued, "You've gone through so much, Y/n. You deserve someone who will give you a chance. A real, patient chance."
"You have the patience of a goddamn saint." You slumped against the pillows. "I have no idea what to say."
"Then don't say anything," she said as she stood up. She wrapped her hand around the back of your head. "You talk too much to begin with." She leaned you towards her and pressed her lips against the top of your head. Shock slapped across your face.
"I'm always going to be here for you," she murmured, "Even when I'm countries away, I'll always know if you're safe or not."
You quickly turned your head and caught her lips. Awkwardly, but you tried. Your eyes screwed shut. You didn't know if she closed hers.
You pulled away first."I love you, Author," you said, "I can't give you everything, but I can give you my... llll... my loooouuuu..."
"It's okay, take your time."
"Llllooohuuggghhh... luuuuv..."
Author rolled her eyes and straightened up."Your love, yes, I understand." She laughed and cupped your cheek in her hand. "It's okay. I'm not good at this either, but we'll figure it out."
Scrambling to your knees, you wrapped your arms around her neck before she could pull back."I love you, Author," you whispered, "Thank you. For everything."
Author hummed and wrapped her arms around your waist-tightly."Don't ever thank me for something that I was going to do from the beginning. Also." She pulled back and stared into your eyes.
"My real name... is J-"
You finally were allowed to go back to the apartment you shared with Author. You were riding up the elevator with her by your side, hands intertwined behind your bodies.
The doors opened on floor two and a boy was on the other side.
He smiled at Author and walked in, almost pushing you behind to stand next to her."Bitch you better fucking move," you said, elbowing him in the hip. He grunted, but moved to Author's right side. He pressed the top button on the elevator.
"So what's your name?" He asked. Not to you, but to Author. You squeezed her hand.
"... Ruby," she said after a long pause.
"That's a beautiful name," he replied, "So exotic. Where's it from?"
You glanced at her and saw her lip twitched slightly, her normal cold facade going more severe."Hey." You leaned back behind her to stare at the boy. "Fuck off you stupid adolescent ass puncher."
"What's wrong with asking questions?" He fired back, looking at you.
"Ask about the weather or something not about a name as common as your haircut," you retorted.
"Do you even know her?"
The dude raised his hands in surrender."Sorry. Didn't know the bitch was your property."
You froze in Author's arms, carefully looking up at her. She wasn't staring at you, or him, but at the doors."You wanna say that again, you communist crotch waffle?"
She tilted her head in his direction, but didn't look at him."I'm just saying if you said you had a fag girlfriend, I would've left you alone."
"Question," she asked, "Are you anything but straight?"
"What?" His expression turned incredulous. "Me? Ew. Never. Get out with that gay shit."
"I see." She nodded, slowly pushing you back upright. "Y/n?" She said, looking at you.
"Please do the honor."
You cracked your knuckles at smirked."You fucking know it."
You two walked out onto the floor hand in hand, an unconscious body in your wake. You reached up and pecked her on the cheek."I love you, Miss Red," you said into her ear. She looked down at you and smiled brightly.
"I love you too, my dear Murder-Girlfriend."
Ja ne!
{Ruby Red}

Try Me, Bitch |BnHA| |Reader Insert|
Fanfictionbad·ass /ˈbadˌas/ INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN noun noun: badass; plural noun: badasses; noun: bad-ass; plural noun: bad-asses 1. a tough, uncompromising, or intimidating person. "COME AT ME, TRICK ASS HOE I'LL PUT YOU DOWN LIKE A HORSE WITH A BROKEN LEG...