💀Chapter 47💀

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I held Y/N's hand tightly as she pushed. My mom let me in but she scolded me for being immature and leaving my wife all alone however Y/N smiled when I referred to her as mom and both of us started motivating her to keep going and not give up.

Yet, she was still a bit upset with me which I understand. I was being stupid and immature.

My hands and arms were covered with scratches from Y/N holding onto them as the pain came and left. After minutes of pushing our baby was finally born. My mom quickly grabbed the baby to make sure it was okay and lied him against Y/N's chest, she allowed me to cut the umbilical cord and smiled as I did. We cried tears of joy and exchanged smiles. Everything completely disappeared, the problems, the reason we were upset with eachother and the bad things that were said. At this point all that we cared about was our newborn, though later I'd have to fix it all.

"It's a beautiful boy, congratulations!!"

Y/N: Another Prince, looks like Yoonji will be the only princess. He's so cute. Thank you so much Jisun, I wouldn't have done it without you, or Yoongi.

"I'm just thankful love. I was really worried from how pale and tired you looked but I'm glad you were able to give birth. And you, young man will have a talk with me. For now, enjoy this special moment, I will call the hospital so we can transfer you immediately. I'm not a certified midwife so I prefer you get the correct treatment. Excuse me for a minute"

Yoongi: Baby, I'm really-

Y/N: Let's not talk about it right now. Can we after everything's been taken care of, please?

I nodded and just admired our baby boy together. His crying made us even more emotional but as soon as we'd talk to him and caress his back softly he'd calm down. It really was a beautiful moment.

Yoongi: Thank you for not giving up.

Y/N: Thank your mom for helping me give birth and thank you also, for coming back and being by my side when I needed you.

Yoongi: I will but I'm afraid I'll get badly scolded.

She smiled and closed her eyes. I kissed her cheek and then kissed our baby.

Y/N: You deserve it, I hope she doesn't go easy on you. Right, Jooheon? Nana should teach daddy a lesson for being bad.

Yoongi: Min Jooheon, are you taking sides now? Tsk, you haven't been in this earth for more than five minutes and you're already doing as you please.

Y/N: That's right. My baby takes after his mom.

Yoongi: He takes after me! I was the baddest.

Y/N: Exactly, WAS. As to me, I was and still am the baddest.

Yoongi: You know what.. you're right.

Y/N: Thank you.

Sike, you thought. I just agreed to it so you won't beat my ass. I'm the baddest.

Y/N's POV | 1 month later

I walked out of the shower after putting my robe on and didn't see the baby in his crib. My heart dropped and I ran to the kitchen just to see Yoongi with Jooheon in his arms as he served breakfast for the kids.

Y/N: M-Min Yoongi, do you know how fast I just ran when I didn't see my baby in the room!?

Yoongi: So fast that I felt the house shake.

Bad Couple | Book 2 | M.YGWhere stories live. Discover now