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New chapter for you. I hope you like it. By the way, this will be the last update of all my stories since I go on Holiday tomorrow for three weeks so there won't be any updates, sorry to disappoint any of you but I will get back to updating once I return from my holiday.

Two weeks later...

Davina's pov

Gideon is now a month old and he's amazing, he brings such joy to my life as well as Kol's. Gideon has brought out more of a soft side in my father and has actually made my father come out of his room more, he doesn't really isolate himself as much anymore. He likes to come out and bond with Gideon and talk to me, he makes small talk with Kol and then he returns to his room. He also helps me train Mushu and Eragon even though I don't need help but my father loves dragons and it gives him something to do. Speaking of the dragons, they've bonded with Gideon. They use to just stay near him and watch over him but Gideon is starting to sense things more and he knows they're there so he communicates with them with his mind. Turns out Gideon is gonna have a very strong telepathy power as he's been invading my thoughts as well as my father's who finds it amusing. He hasn't yet communicated with Kol through his mind but he's still young so I believe he will do it one day soon. 

Speaking of powers, since I caught Gideon making his toys float, there have been other incidents involving him making things float but obviously they're not quite incidents as he's just exploring his mental powers which is quite fascinating and odd considering he's only one month old but it's nothing to worry about. I was the same when I was a baby, I know this because my father constantly tells me about it plus I remember certain things from when I was a baby as impossible as that may sound but I'm not some ordinary person. I'm a Goddess so I'm more intelligent, a quick learner and I'm powerful. 

Today I have Bruce Banner and Tony Stark coming over to run some tests on Gideon. Me and Kol decided to wait a little bit before having tests run on Gideon but since he's displaying signs of power, we figured it would be a good idea to get it over and done with now so then we can figure out how to help Gideon with his powers depending on what powers he may have. Now obviously they won't all show at once considering he's just a baby but some will so those are the one's we're going to pay attention too for now. The ones that will develop later on in life, Bruce and Tony will come back to retest him for those if necessary.

"Davina they're here" Kol announces poking his head in the nursery as I was just feeding Gideon "okay, invite them inside" I respond "do they have to come inside? I don't like them very much" my father says appearing in the doorway "well father I don't think they like you very much either but this isn't about you or them. It's about Gideon, they're here to do some checks on him so quit whining and please get Mushu and Eragon in the shed" I respond I had my father and Kol make a large shed outside so the dragons can go in there. It's not used as a cage or anything, they pretty much roam free in the house or outside around the house. The shed is just in case we get any unwanted visitors and don't want them to see the dragons. Bruce and Tony aren't unwanted visitors but the dragons aren't familiar with them and they are quite protective over Gideon so I don't want the dragons getting in the way of Bruce and Tony running tests on my son.

My father huffs in response and practically stomps away like a child "stop acting like a child" I call out making Kol chuckle "go bring Bruce and Tony inside. Offer them a drink but don't let Tony have any alcoholic drinks" I say he nods "don't worry the liquor cabinet is on lock down" he replies "wait, we don't have a liquor cabinet" I respond I know this because I refused to have alcohol in the house with Hope around and my thoughts on the matter are the same with my son. "I was kidding love" he replies flashing me a smile before walking away. 

I see to Gideon who is wide awake after having his feed "come on you. Your godfathers are here to do some tests on you but don't worry they won't hurt one bit and they won't take all day" I coo kissing his forehead as I quickly dress him on his baby changer table. I hand him his favourite cuddly toy which he clutches onto and kicks his little legs making me giggle "you're so cute baby" I coo littering gentle kisses all over his face making him giggle as I pick him up and cradle him in my arms as I turn round and exit the room. 

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