Pierre Gasly

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Word count: 466

It was after the race of Monaco and Pierre had P7 after the Chequered Flag. An amazing result for Toro Rosso and you knew, Pierre would be happy with it. Walking to his side of the garage, you waited for him to return and already knew what kind of night, you would have with Pierre.

When he returned, you knew the car would be returned to the garages later. Smiling, you saw how happy he was with his result. "Not as good as in Bahrein but I ended in the points." Pierre greeted you. You gave him a smile and shook your head. "Either way, I am just as proud." You replied to him. "Great job, sweet heart." You complimented him. Pierre chuckled "Let's celebrate after I talked to the press?" He asked you and pressed a kiss on your cheek. Nodding, you agreed "I would love that." You told him before he left to the media-square.

When he returned, Pierre looked at you. "Y/N, shall we go with the scooter?" He asked curious. You nodded. "We can take two of your helmets, just to make sure to be safe." You told him with a slight smile. 

Handing one of his helmets after grabbing his bag, Pierre walked out of his driver's room, holding the door for you.


Arriving at the hotel, Pierre put the helmets in his bag before picking you up in bridal style, heading to the hotel room.

Opening the door, Pierre walked to the bed, kicking the door to close. Laying you on the bed, he hovered over you and smiled "Are you nervous?" He asked, not really worried. Pierre loved to make you feel good and keep you comfortable with what you would do. Smiling, you nodded, caressing his cheek. "I am. We waited too long for this." You chuckled. Pierre smiled before pressing his lips onto yours, before he started to tease you here and there. 

Taking his time, to undress you and himself, you knew he wanted to make sure, you were okay. Softly moaning, you smiled "Stop teasing me." Pierre smirked "As you wish, princesse." 

Pierre softly entered your pussy, kissing your neck, giving you time to adjust to him. Gasping, you bit your lip for a moment, adjusting to the feeling of him, filling you up. Nodding weakly, you gave him the clear to move. Thrusting inside of you, Pierre kept an eye on you but was on a soft pace, soon enough. Moaning out his name, you stroked through his hair. 

Speeding up the pace, Pierre loved your reaction on his actions. Moaning and gasping, you felt how everything started to build up and come together before coming to your climax. This time, you moaned out his name loudly, almost screaming when you climaxed, clenching your walls around his cock. 

// I am doing my best to write but I hope you guys like it. Is there someone who would love to create a cover for this book? I would love to write a oneshot for that person

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