Nico Rosberg

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word count: 704

It had been a few months after the birth of your daughter. You hadn't been at the track for that long since you thought she was too small to be there. Now she was 6 months old and you wanted to let her meet everyone there. Starting with Nico's teammate Lewis, you walked into the garage. When you approached his driver's room, you knocked the door with the car seat in your other hand. Walking inside after the approval, you smiled when you saw Lewis. "Is that baby Rosberg?" he smiled and approached the car seat slowly. You smiled and greeted Lewis with the usual three kisses, the Dutch used. "Hi Lewis and yes, that's her." Lewis smiled "She is already so big." he chuckled. You laughed "She isn't a newborn anymore, Lew. She is 6 months. Her name is Gabrielle." you told him with a smile, looking at your daughter. Lewis let her grab his index finger and smiled "She is so cute." He smiled and looked at Gabrielle again. "She looks more like you than Nico, though." he smirked "Don't let him hear that. He thinks already she is a real Daddy's girl." You started to laugh. Lewis smiled "Did other drivers already saw her? Well, besides me and Nico ofcourse." Lewis asked, very interested. "I am going to make my round now. Anyone I should avoid?"

Lewis' grin became bigger. "Probably Kimi and Alonso." he responded. "I am not sure if they like babies." You chuckled "I'll keep that in mind. I probably will start with Max, Carlos, Daniil and Daniel than." you told him before leaving with your daughter. Arriving at the Red Bull garage, Daniel stood close to his car. "Hey Aussie, getting ready for the race?" you teased him. Turning around, Daniel smiled "Hey Dutchie. And yes, you know it." He responded and hugged you. Looking at the car seat, he smiled again "Hey, who's this little cutie?" Playing with the little girl, Daniel smiled at her. "That's my daughter, Ricciardo." someone spoke from a distance. You chuckled and turned around, facing Nico "Are you watching the race in the garage?" He asked you, making you shake your head "No, it will be too loud for her." Daniel stood up again and smiled at Nico "She is really adorable, Nic." Nico smiled "Thanks Dan."

You smiled at both of the drivers while you heared Max coming in. Turning around, you smiled at him. Since you were both Dutch, you got along very well. "Hey Max." you greeted him. Max smiled and gave you the three Dutch kisses on the cheek. "Hey Y/N. You brought your daughter? Can I hold her?" He asked you but also looked at Nico for approval. Nico nodded "It's fine." he replied. You tilted Gabrielle out of the car seat and gave her to Max to hold. "Hold her steady." you warned him. He smiled "No worries, Y/N. I carry my sister Jaye alot." he told you and held Gabrielle in his arms. "She looks peaceful with you, Max." Nico smirked, which made you poke him in the chest. "Leave him alone."

When it was time for them to get to the cars, you smiled and left to Nico's driver's room, putting Gabrielle to sleep. Luckily she slept through the whole race while you could see how Lewis, Nico and Max ended on the podium together. Smiling wide, you were happy with Nico's P3, knowing he probably thought he could do better.


After getting back to the hotel, you were glad Toto had told you and Nico, he would arrange to let someone watch Gabrielle for you while you and Nico were out for dinner with the drivers. When you were ready, you walked out of the bathroom and smiled when Nico looked at you with much love "So hot." he told you. You chuckled "I still got it." you teased and grabbed your purse before walking out the room with him. Getting downstairs, you saw Daniel, Lewis and Max waiting for you. "Hey where is baby Rosberg?" Daniel asked dissapointed. You chuckled while Nico pursed his lips. "She had to be watched by someone else while we get to dinner." you replied 

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