Pierre Gasly/Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen

704 9 0

word count: 671

It was after the GP of Malaysia when you walked into Pierre's room with tears in your eyes. Pierre looked up from his book and directly put it away, letting you sit close to him. "Honey, what is wrong? Didn't you enjoy the race?" You smiled weakly, nodding. "No worries, sweet heart. I am so proud of you." You spoke and sat onto his lap.

Pierre hugged you, trying to comfort you and letting you cry. "So, what is wrong?"

You looked at him. "M-my... My parents...." You started but cried again. Pierre pulled you into a hug again, understanding directly what you meant. "Sh.... I'll be there for you, okay? I am not leaving you." He spoke and thought. "Let's go to Max and Daniel. You need friends around you."

Walking to the Red Bull garage, Pierre and you directly found Daniel. Seeing your face, Daniel looked at Pierre. "What happened?" He asked Pierre, directly taking you inside his arms.

Heading to the hotel with Daniel and Pierre, you had agreed to tell Max the next morning, to let him enjoy his victory. Letting yourself fall down onto the bed, you thought it was hard to stay awake. Looking at Pierre, you smiled soft. "I'm sorry for ruining your fun." You spoke. Not only Pierre heared it, Daniel did aswell. Taking you inside of his arms again, he hugged you, treating you as his little sister. Pierre looked a little sad. "Oh honey..." He smiled "Don't be. You can't do anything about this. It is not your fault."

Daniel nodded. "He is right. You can't be blamed for this." You smiled. "Thanks." Daniel and Pierre smiled, helping you getting dressed into your night gown. Pierre smiled "Get some sleep. We will look how we can help you, okay?" You nodded and kissed him "Thank you, Pierre. Thanks Daniel." You mumbled before falling asleep.

Waking up early, the next morning, you saw not only Daniel and Pierre asleep but Max aswell. Smiling soft, you walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Getting dressed when you were ready, you decided not to wear make-up. Hearing how Max woke up, you turned around to look into the room "Hey. You're up early." he spoke soft. You smiled "Couldn't sleep. Why are you awake already?" you asked but smiled "I am getting used to it." Max responded "Hey, I brought also an outfit for the guys but is it okay if I use the shower?" he asked. You nodded "Yeah sure." you smiled

When the three of them were all awake and ready, you decided to order some things as breakfast for roomservice. Pierre sat next to you. "We've been thinking and arranging some stuff. Max and me live close but Daniel agreed to make you as his roommate, if you like that." he explained with a slight smile. You leaned against his chest with your back. "I want to be with you." you replied soft, sobbing already. Pierre knew you the best of the three so it would be the easiest to live with him, now your parents were killed by a car accident. He softly squeezed your arm "I will be there as much as possible, baby but Daniel is the best choice at the moment." he told you. You nodded but sighed "Sorry..." you whispered. Pierre shook his head "No worries, sweetheart." He smiled

Getting home, you walked into Daniel's appartment. You had called your best friend at home about the situation and she had promised to send your stuff over to Monaco. You looked at Daniel and smiled "I really appreciate it, you do this for me." Daniel smiled "I already saw you as a little sister but now it only grew." He hugged you "It will be fine, Y/N. We will find a way to figure it all out. Max, Pierre and me will travel with you to attend the funeral and after that we will do whatever you like, alright?" He smiled soft. You nodded "Thanks, Daniel." 

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