Stoffel Vandoorne

216 2 0

word count: 232

Stoffel opened the door of the house, you shared with him and pushed your wheelchair inside the house. When he rolled you into the livingroom, you remembered how you had walked through the whole house before you had that awful accident. Now you maybe could never walk or even dance anymore. You sighed soft and tears appeared into your eyes, your sight blurred of crying. Stoffel looked up when he heared you sob and kneeled infront of you. "Hey, what's wrong?" He stroked your cheek "I can't walk anymore, Stof. Maybe i never will be able too." Yu cried.

He wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back. "Hey, don't think like that. The doctor said it was only temporary." he whispered. You looked at him "What if he did lie?" Stoffel bit his lip because he never saw you so broken before. "Than we will do anything to get you the best care." He smiled weakly. "I will stay with you to help, okay? I told the boss, Jenson could replace me." Stoffel told you. You nodded "I am sorry." Wiping the tears from your face, you smiled at him "Where did I get such an amazing boyfriend?" You asked. Stoffel cleared his troat once, which made you chuckle "Fiancé." He smirked "Because you are amazing aswell. I love you, Y/N. And I can't even imagine a life without you." 

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