Mick Schumacher/Lance Stroll

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word count: 884

Being a member of a driver family, made it easier to date a Formula One driver. You and Lance had been dating for a few years now and he had been there for you when your father had that horrible ski accident. It had been hard for you to deal with it, but you knew it was even harder for your brother Mick, since he had witnessed the whole thing. It was October 2017 now and Lance had just the races of Japan and Malaysia while you had been with your family in Switzerland. He had been travelling to Switzerland to see you again since he wasn't expected to go Austin until October 16. You had gone home to wait for Lance to return and celebrate your anniversary.

When the sound of the bell rang, you smiled wide, knowing already who the person was who rang it. Opening the door, you stared into the dark hues of Lance. Smiling wide, you wrapped your arms around his neck and let him inside "I am so happy to be with you again, Y/N. I missed you so much. You're coming to Austin with me, right?" he spoke when he came inside. You nodded "Yes, I asked days off from the 16th until the 25th. So I am going to be with you the whole week." you told him, very happy you could finally be at a track with him again. Closing the door, you walked to the livingroom with Lance. He looked worried when you frowned. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" You shook your head "No. It's just I didn't ask Mick if he was okay with it." Lance crossed his arm around your shoulder. "Invite him. We can do the dinner later. It's fine." he assured you. You smiled "I love you. You're really the best boyfriend." Lance smiled "Show me later."


You had called your brother Mick to ask him to come over to discuss something. When he had arrived, he had looking with a frown at you. "Sis, what's wrong? You sounded pretty serious." You bit your lip, hoping he wouldn't get mad but than shook your head. "It's not really serious. I wanted to ask you something. Lance is leaving for Austin on October 16 and I did take some days off to be with him at the track there. I only didn't asked you if it was okay." yYou told your brother. Mick thought for a moment but than nodded "I guess it is okay. I mean, dad probably wants to see you before you leave but we can handle a week without you." he smiled "Go have fun. You deserve it, Y/N. Since dad had that terrible accident, you only have been taking care of me and looking after me as a big sister should act in a situation like this but you have your own life aswell. Just promise me to see dad first." Mick stated. You and Lance nodded "We will. I know dad likes Lance." you chuckled, while Mick shot you a smile. He looked at Lance "So do I."


You had dinner with Mick and Lance since they both had agreed to visit your father. While Mick was getting coffee, you and Lance kept your father company. Knowing he had been so friendly with people in the past, it was easy to figure out, your father liked Lance. Smiling at your father, you layed a hand onto his shoulder to comfort him a little with the situation he was in. "Daddy, I know you can't respond on me or the others but I wanted to let you know that i am going with Lance to Austin for the next Grand Prix. I love you." You told him, kissing his cheek. It was hard for you to see him like this, unable to respond and hoped he would be more okay in the end.


It was October 16, the day Lance had to travel to Austin to get used to the timezone period and jetlag. Your mother had told you, you could bring Mick aswell, since you both needed the fun.

After you sat down in the plane, you looked at your brother and smiled weakly, knowing he was a little nervous. Laying a hand onto his knee, you tried to comfort him a bit. "It will be okay. It's a big step but I am here to support you." You smiled. Mick gave you a smile back. "Can we visit uncle Kimi for a bit at the paddocks? I really want to see him." he asked you. Giving him a nod, you smiled "Ofcourse." Looking at Lance, you layed your head onto his shoulder "Is it okay, we will be at the Ferrari pit boxes at the race weekend aswell? He really needs all the support he can get." You asked him. Lance innertwined your fingers with his and smiled "As long you still will support me." he replied with a smirk. You chuckled "Ofcourse."

Note: I didn't wrote this to offend someone with this, especially the Schumacher family. I have much respect for them and I really hope Michael will recover good. I wish them the best in this time. Therefor I am also not sure what Michael's situation is at the moment. 

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