Carlos Sainz jr

653 10 0

word count: 295

It had been a busy time for you and your boyfriend Carlos since you both had busy jobs. You had your own model agency while Carlos was a professional racing driver in Formula 1. When he was at home at the weekends, you usually spend them together as much as possible but the last weekends were different, you end up alone most of the time.

Hearing how a phone kept ringing and making sounds, you knew Carlos forgot to take it with him. Sighing deep while curiosity rose, you picked it up from the table, looking at the screen. Gasping, you saw so many messages and missed calls from another woman. Throwing it back onto the table, anger filled up your body. How could he?! You were always home, never went to disco's and clubs not to give him a bad reputation and he cheats on you?! F***cking prick

When Carlos got home, you were preparing dinner in the kitchen. "Hello, beautiful." He greeted you like always, trying to kiss your cheek like usual. But he was stopped by you pushing him away "Don't." Looking surprised, Carlos raised his brow "What's wrong?" He tried to kiss you again but this time you used more power "I said don't. I saw the texts and phone calls on your phone. Who is she? Why are you even with another woman?" You looked angry at him. Carlos gasped, probably knowing what you meant "You saw?"He whispered. Nodding, you looked at him with a frown "I'm pregnant, Carlos. How could you?!" You yelled. But then you saw something changing in his eyes "W-what? But that's wonderful.. Let's look for an apartment together?" He smiled "Well, it's too late for that Carlos. You made the decision already. I break up with you." 

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