Lewis Hamilton

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word count: 411

It had been way too long since you had some time off together. Lewis had turned your livingroom into a romantic picknick place, with a bottle of champagne and a basket full of food. "I know we didn't do anything in a while so I really wanted to do this." Lewis spoke. You smiled wide "So romantic, baby." you responded and walked to him, sitting down onto the big rug. "I already love it." You smiled. Lewis opened the bottle of champagne and smiled at you. "I know we've been thinking about our future since we started dating but this is something I thought off ever since I layed my eyes on you." he spoke and dimmed the lights, while he turned on some romantic music. You started to feel a little nervous because suprises weren't really your thing.

When he came back with a small box in his hand, your mouth dropped. Was this a dream? You started to bit your lip to hide your nervous feelings. Grabbing your hand, Lewis sat down on one knee "I know you told me, you never wanted to marry but I hope this changes your mind. That I change your mind." He smiled at you. You smiled at him and bit your lip again but smiled again "Oh Lewis, I told you that when we were dating for a few months. Ofcourse I changed my mind now. I will marry you, you silly lad." Lewis stood up with a big smile on his face. "I love you."

After the proposal you sat down with him, looking at the big ring on your finger. "Do you like it?" Lewis rubbed your back. You smiled and nodded "Ofcourse, sweety. You have no more surprises in mind, right? Because I like to have surprises for you." Lewis laughed "I promise." Leaning against his chest, you wrapped his arms around yourself. "So what do you think what's in our future more?" he asked you. You smiled soft "Well, we are already living together and we're engaged now..." you started "Let's just enjoy life first before we make plans and bring the car in one piece." you grinned "Good idea and I promise." Lewis smiled and started to kiss under your ear. Softly moaning, you closed your eyes "Bedroom.. now..." you smiled soft and stood up, heading to the bedroom, with Lewis behind you. He started to kiss you again as soon the door was closed. You softly giggled 

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