Charles Leclerc

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Word count: 435

Being the sister of Jules Bianchi wasn't always easy. Especially after the crash he had in 2014. It was 3 years ago, that it happened and it wasn't easy to your family at all. So after 8 months of visiting him in the hospital, it was decided to give your brother the rest and the peace, he deserved. As a 18 year old, your parents looked at it like you couldn't decide with them about the situation.

It was 2017 now and much had changed. You still had your difficulties with the death of your brother but now you had someone to share the grief with. Short after the death of Jules, you had met Charles. Being there for you, with every emotion you had felt, had made the grief a little less difficult for you. Slowly on, you had found a place in each others heart and had started dating. Today it was your anniversary. Charles had asked you if you wanted to go to your brother's grave, sharing this day with him, in a way. After thinking long about it, you had agreed with it. Walking hand in hand, you and Charles walked to the spot where Jules was buried. Laying down a rug, Charles let you sit on it while facing the grave stone of your brother and put down a basket. Sitting down himself, he grabbed your hand and stroked it with his thumb. "You okay?" He asked soft, looking worried at you. Turning your head to look at him, you nodded and gave him a smile. "Yes, I know it was long way for me but with your help, I actually got my way back on feeling happy again." You replied and kissed him "I love you, Charles." Getting a kiss back, he smiled back at you. "I love you to, my Cherie."

He didn't let go of your hand. "I will watch after her like it should." Charles smiled, facing the grave. Tears appeared in the corners of your eyes when you heared him talk like that. It had been scary to have a brother in F1 but it had become more scary to have a boyfriend in F1 now aswell. Charles knew you didn't really liked it but he had promised to stay safe. Nuzzling in the crook of his neck, you inhaled his scent and tried to calm down. Charles layed his hand on the back of your head and softly stroked through your hair. "It's still hard, isn't it?" he asked softly. "Yes." you replied softly "What if we go here, every year?" he suggested. "Sounds good."

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