Antonio Giovinazzi

228 4 0

word count: 244

Being Antonio's girlfriend had been stressful to you since you were at his side at the tracks. It had been scary sometimes when something happened to his car, mostly thinking something happened to him as well. You were sitting at the table, while Antonio looked at you with a smile. It was a look you knew so well and you started to grin as a reply. "What are you up to you?" Antonio laughed, shaking his head "Nothing..." You raised your brow. "Really? I know that look you have on your face right, so well. What are you up to?" you replied. Antonio smiled "I just was thinking about something we could do together. Something romantic." He explained. "So you have nothing to worry." He chuckled "Yeah, right." You replied and smirked.

Antonio looked at you. "I was thinking to eat at the beach and go horseback riding." He smiled and waited for a response. "Really? Why now?" you smiled. Antonio groaned "Seriously? Can't I change my mind? Women..." He replied with a frown. You smiled, coming near him and pulled him into a hug. "I love you." Antonio kissed you "I know." You chuckled "Dick." Antonio only laughed. "You love this dick." He teased "Don't ruin it, now."

After you had gotten ready for it, Antonio and you had driven to the beach. Sitting on the horses, finally, you looked at him "Thank you." You smiled. Antonio smiled as well and held your hand "No problem."

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