Pierre Gasly

572 8 0

word count: 801

Today was the day of your wedding. Pierre and you had waved away the comments about being too young to get married and that you wanted this more than anything. Sitting in the room next to where it was going to happen, your mother looked at you through the mirror. "Oh sweety. It feels like yesterday, that I held you in my arms when you were born and now you're going to marry." You saw tears in her eyes and smiled. "Oh mom.... I am still your little girl. Only a little more grown up." You smiled and hugged her, happy the make up wasn't done yet. "I love you. Your dad would be proud." you bit your lip. "I am sad he can't be here." you swallowed, when you told your mother this. Your mother shook her head "Oh sweety, he is here. In our hearts. Now let's do your make up and get your dress to make him proud." your mother smiled.

When you were done, your mother smiled "You're beautiful." You chuckled "Let's do this." Walking out the door, you saw how everybody stood up for you and how Pierre looked at you. He had the same look in his eyes when he asked you as his girlfriend and when he asked you to marry you. You smiled and walked with your mother down the aisle. Hugging your mother, you stood next to Pierre. "You look beautiful, mon amour. As an angel." he chuckled soft, probably as happy as you were. The priest looked at you before at all the others. "we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Looking at you, the priest smiled soft "Pierre and Y/N decided to write their own vows so let them speak." You looked at Pierre and smiled, speaking up your vows. It was something you told him everytime before a race and everytime he ended one. After you finished, he told the same things, he told you before or after a race but also at home. When you shoved the rings around each others fingers, you smiled at him, wanting to kiss him so badly. When the words were spoken, Pierre kissed you while everyone cheered. The priest smiled "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr and Mrs Pierre Gasly."

Walking inside the apartment with you inside his arms, Pierre looked at you. "You're finally my wife." He smirked "I love you, Y/N." He kissed you. You kissed him back and smiled "I love you too, Pierre. So much." you told him. Bringing you to the bedroom, Pierre closed the door after laying you down on the bed. Coming back, he took off your shoes. "I am sure this dress is less heavy than the one you wore at the ceremony but I can guess it is still something you want off." He told you. You started to laugh. "True."

After a few months of marriage, Pierre and you were happier than ever. He had his debut in Formula one and he could stay at Toro Rosso for the next few races. Even got a contract for the next year to race a full season. Today he was at practice to race with the simulators while you had a day off at home. You had been nausious for weeks and just went to the doctor to find out what was going on. Laying on the couch with a cup of tea in your hands, you kept repeating the doctor's words in your head. Pregnant. Pregnant. You sighed soft, thinking how you should tell Pierre. Hoping he would be happy, you wished for the best.

Laying on your side onto the couch, a blanket wrapped around your body, you waited for Pierre to return. When he arrived, he walked to you and sat on his knees infront of you. "Still sick, hm?" He asked you, concerned. "Actually.. there is something I need to tell you." You replied and sat up. Pierre looked at you "Nothing bad, right?" Laying his hand on your knee, he looked worried. Shaking your head, you smiled "Sweety, it is nothing bad. The doctor said I am pregnant. for 10 weeks now." you told him. Pierre smiled and layed his hand onto your stomach "Really? That is amazing."  

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