Kimi Räikkönen/Daniel Ricciardo

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word count: 337

Being the nanny of Kimi Raikkonen's son the last two years just had made it easier for you to process this. While working for the one Formula 1 driver, you were in a relationship with another; Daniel Ricciardo. After you had told Daniel about the pregnancy, you had decided to talk to Kimi together after the race of Singapore. Knocking on the door, you being nervous was clearly visible. Daniel grabbed your hand and stroked it soft. "Hey, it will be fine. I'm sure, Kimi will understand." He told you. Giving him a nod, you smiled soft "I hope so."

When the door opened, Kimi looked at you. "Come in." He softly smiled and stepped back to let you in. When Daniel and you sat down, Kimi looked at you. "So, what's going on? You sounded very serious on the phone." Kimi asked. You swallowed while Daniel looked at his colleague. "Well, mate.." He started. "We actually wanted to tell you, mate that we're expecting. Y/N is three months pregnant." You never had discussed who would tell him the news but you were glad that Daniel had told him the news. Not saying anything yet, you both waited for a response from Kimi.

After a few minutes, Kimi first opened his mouth before saying anything. "I actually am not surprised at all. But what does it mean for your work here, Y/N?" He asked curious. You smiled soft "Well, my sister offered to take my job in the time I am not able to do it. Or during my pregnancy we can do it together. After that, I am happy to come back." You told Kimi. Kimi smiled "I am sure your sister will do just fine. If you're not able to work anymore, that's fine. I want the best for the both of you. I am sure my wife and me will love it to watch little Ricciardo when we can." Daniel smiled "Thanks mate." Alot fell from your shoulders and you smiled as well. "Thanks Kimi."

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