Pierre Gasly

639 2 0

word count: 371

Since you had found out, you couldn't have kids, Daniel and you had decided to ask someone as a surrogate. Laying on the couch in the big livingroom of your new appartment, you had a slight fever. Daniel walked to you and layed a small wet towel on your forehead. "How are you feeling? Don't you want to lay in bed?" he asked you. You looked at him and smiled "I don't feel well but if I stay in bed, I'll get bored real soon." you replied. Daniel chuckled "I am glad you still have your sense of humor." he kissed your cheek "Shall we watch a movie?" You smiled and nodded "Yeah sure. What would you like to watch? Or do you want to catch up on a tv show?" Daniel smiled soft "Well, I am sure there is a show, I am sure you would like to watch.' he replied. You looked curious at him. "Which one?" you asked him, not knowing what he meant. "Dancing with the Stars." You nodded and smiled "Yeah, Lindsay and Jordan and Mark and Lindsey are real good." you told him. Daniel chuckled because he loved it so much how you loved your shows. After watching both shows you missed, Daniel looked at you.

"Did you think about who you want to ask as surrogate? Maybe we should think about how to ask the person." He smiled soft. You frowned, still hurt by the bad news you couldn't do it yourself. Than you bit your lip. Daniel took you into a hug. "Hey, it's okay. We can talk about it later." he comforted you. Shaking your head, you looked at him to reply. "It's fine. It is good actually to think about that already. I was thinking about my sister. Than somehow we still have a part of me and a part of you." you told him. Daniel nodded "I think it is a good idea. We will ask her and arrange everything when you're better and healthy okay?" he smiled and wrapped a blanket around you when he pulled back. You nodded and smiled "Thank you for making me feel better." Daniel kissed your forehead and smiled "That's where I am for." 

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