Max Verstappen/Stoffel Vandoorne

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word count: 268

Being the girlfriend of Max, did bring some expectations with it. Everybody knew how his last girlfriend was so they probably thought the same about you. You were his girlfriend while being also the best friend of Stoffel. Max knew this and was okay with it.

After the race of Malaysia, you waited for both of them to return to the garages of McLaren and Red Bull. Stoffel returned first, since Max had won the race and had the podium ceremony. Stoffel smiled. "P7! Best race I ever did." He told you excited. "I know! You did great." Congratulating him with a hug, you smiled. "Congratz, Stof." Pulling back, you heared someone clearing his troat. Looking up, you smiled but blushed "Max!"

Max smiled "Everyone wants to steal my girl... Everyone wants to take her heart away." He sang teasing. You laughed, since he always had made fun of you for liking that song. Stoffel blushed. "I.. I am so sorry, Max." He stuttered. You chuckled "Don't worry. He is just teasing. He likes to make fun of me for liking the song." Stoffel smiled "Okay."

Max smirked "Aren't you congratulating me?" You chuckled, while your arms flew around his neck. "Ofcourse. Congratulations, baby." You kissed him. "Good start for the next decade." You told him, hearing Christian say something like that after he just won. "Repeating Christian, are you?" He smiled. "Yup. You know the boss in this relationship, babe." You replied, teasing. Max smirked and kissed you again. "Silly girl." Stoffel smiled "That's my que. Have fun, little ones." He chuckled and walked into the garage.

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