Charles Leclerc/Pierre Gasly

585 7 0

word count: 725

In memorial of Jules Bianchi. I just wanted to write this because of the sweet memorial pics Charles and Pierre shared on IG and Twitter.

FP1 had ended and you know Charles and Pierre had it a little tough this weekend. Before you had left for Japan, you had offered to go with them for support. When the door opened of Pierre's driver's room, you looked up from your book and smiled soft when the two came in. Seeing them like this was tough and the smile directly dissapeared. "How was practice?" You asked them, not sure what their reactions would be. Pierre put his helmet on the desk and looked at you "We did pretty good, actually." he replied with a slight smile. Charles nodded and sat next to you "Pierre had P7 and I had P14." He spoke with a smile. Knowing they wanted to do this with Jules, you only gave them a smile. "He would be proud of you. I feel that." you told them, giving Charles a kiss on the cheek before standing up and giving Pierre the same. Pierre caressed your back. "I know it is hard for you aswell, Y/N. Being his sister and all." Pierre told you. Looking down, you nodded "Yeah, it brings back alot of memories." you replied. Now both of them stood beside you. "If you want to leave, we do understand that." Charles told you. You shook your head and looked up, tears wiping from your face. "No, I feel okay enough to be here. Besides, it would make Jules proud to see us together at this track." you stated confident. Pierre smiled and looked at Charles. "Are you in my garage box too, sunday?" Charles nodded "Yes, I'll sit next to Y/N to aupport the both of you."

You smiled "We'll get through this. Together." you softly squeezed the shoulders of both guys. Taking your hands in theirs, squeezing them soft, Charles and Pierre nodded "Agreed." they both spoke.


It was the morning of the race. You had been a little nervous, since rain was expected and hoped Pierre would stay safe. Because you shared the same room, it was soon filled with your emotion. Charles looked up. "Hey, it will be fine. You will be fine." He smiled soft and walked over to you. You swallowed and started to freak out. "What if I screw up? What if Pierre crashes because of me?" Charles crossed his arms around you and shook his head before hugging you. "Hey, you and me will sit in the garage together. I will be with you, every step of the way, okay?" Charles promised, letting you cry. Pierre directly took over the hugging from him. "Sweet Cherie, I am not planning on letting crash myself okay? Everytime you were at the track, I did win or ended on the podium. Like you're my lucky charm. Like Jules is my guardian angel." He kissed your temple and looked at you. "I promise." 

You nodded at him, still hoping he was right. It was difficult to let go of the thoughts even though you knew he was right. " I will sit in your garage with Charles and support you through the race." You told him. Pierre smiled. "After the race, I have a surprise for you." He winked. Charles chuckled "Let's go than." He opened the door.

Arriving at the paddock, you first greeted Max and Daniel before greeting Carlos. You walked to the driver's room to wish Pierre good luck and wish him well. After that, you walked back to the garage to sit with Charles. "He will be fine. I know you're nervous." He spoke soft. You looked at him and sighed. "I love him, y'know? I'll go crazy if I will loose him too." Charles squeezed your thigh softly. "I know you love him." You looked at him. "More than love." He nodded.
When Pierre finished the race, he had P3. Cheering for him, you smiled wide. Charles chuckled and led you to the podium. Pierre smiled wide. "Hey baby, I became third." You nodded and smiled wide, wrapping your arms around his neck. "For Jules." You stated. Pierre nodded. "For Jules." He kissed you for a moment. "Wow." You blushed. "Y/N, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. You nodded "Yes."

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