David Coulthard/Charles Leclerc

299 6 0

word count: 229
Sitting in your living room, you sighed deep. Dating a Formula One driver was tough, she knew that. But finding him with another girl, was even more horrible. Grabbing your phone, you bit your lip and called your father. He knows what to do. He always did, since it is in his nature to protect his daughter. Hearing his voice, you bit your lip even more. "D-daddy?"

"Hey honey, are you okay? What's going on?" You heared your father speak. "Charles... He cheated on me..." You sobbed. Sighing soft, you knew your father hated to hear, his princess was hurt. "Come home, princess. Take your time to heal and take your time to relax." He told you.

After the call, you called Charles. "I am going to my parents' house. I will be back in a while but I want you out of the house, when I get back." You told him. "B-but.." You heared him. "No Charles. You broke my trust. Again. We're through." Hanging up, you directly blocked his number and deleted his number, as well.


When you arrived at your parents house, your dad already stood at the porch. "Honey..." He greeted you with a hug. "Daddy." You hugged him back. "So what was going?" He asked you. "He cheated on me. I really thought we could have it all... Because I am pregnant."

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