Esteban Ocon

325 3 0

word count: 250

Esteban and you had bought a new house and today was the day to move in. Lance, Daniel, Max and Pierre had offered to help so a few of your friends were here to help aswell. Atleast that was what they had said. Luckily things didn't needed to be painted, because none of you were real good at it.

When it was lunchtime, you gave everyone some sandwiches to eat. Looking at Esteban, you smiled. "We are almost ready. Than we finally can live here." You told him. "I am glad about that. It is something we've dreamed about for so long." He replied. Looking at the others and asking what needed to be finished, you got answers back that only the study and bedroom needed to be finished. You smiled, looking at Esteban. "We can do ourselves, right?" He nodded. "Yes. The help was much appreciated, though." He chuckled.

After lunch, everybody went home and you and Esteban finished the two rooms. Sitting on the couch, you smiled at him. "Our new home. We should do something to celebrate." You smirked. "Let's run a bath and celebrate." Esteban replied and stood up. Holding up his hand, he smiled. "C'mon.. Let's do this." You chuckled and grabbed his hand, standing up.

After the bath, you layed on the bed together. "I love you, Esteban." You looked at him. "I love you too, sweety." You smiled "Are you tired?" He asked. Shaking your head, you smiled "No. You?"

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