Sebastian Vettel

570 6 0

word count: 371

It had been a few hours since your life had changed a hundred and eighty degrees. You and your boyfriend, Sebastian, had tried to become pregnant for weeks now, while it resulted in nothing. You had made an appointment at the doctor's office today and had to go alone since Sebastian had a testing day the whole day. Sitting against one of the walls in the bathroom, you had cried your eyes out.

When Sebastian came home, he knew there was something wrong, searching for you. "Liebste?" He shouted through the appartment. You looked up. "In here!" You replied loud. When you saw Sebastian walking into the bathroom, you started crying again. Sebastian, worried about you, came closer and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. "Liebste, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked you, rubbing your back, trying to comfort you. Still having your puffy red eyes, you looked up "I went to the doctor today.." you started before crying again. Sebastian wiped the tears from your cheeks "What did she say?"

Calming down, you took a moment to speak again "S-she said I can't have kids by myself." You pouted. Sebastian softly smirked at the look of your pout, since he thought it was cute but than looked serious "But sweetheart, I wouldn't even dare to stop loving you. We still can adopt or arrange something by surrogacy." He told you. You bit your lip. "You still love me?" The question came out weakly. Sebastian nodded "Ofcourse, Schatze. I would never think about leaving you." Grabbing your hand, he smiled "I was planning to arrange a whole surprise for you. A romantic proposal." Sebastian explained "And you know what? The doctor now can say you can't have children but there are always second opinions." He smiled and hugged you. "Marry me, liebste? I will make you the happiest girl in the world." Holding up a box for you, Sebastian had the same look on his face to show you how much he loves you. Only now it was filled with even more love. "Oh Sebastian, you already made me the happiest girl. So yes, I will marry you." You smiled through your tears. "I love you." 

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