Max Verstappen

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word count: 316

Being Max' best friend sometimes made it hard to watch the races. Especially you started to develop feelings for him. Today was the Grandprix of Singapore. Max had taken in his position on P2, while you sat in the driver's room, watching the race on the big screen.

When the race started, it quickly turned bad for a few drivers, including Max. The Ferrari's had hit him on both sides of his car, meaning not only they were out of the race. He was out again.

Hearing him curse as he headed back to the same room as you, made you think about how to approach him. Turning off the tv when he walked in, you smiled weakly. Max slowly walked to you and wrapped his arms around you, inhaling your scent for a moment before he pressed a kiss upon your lips. It made you curious why he kissed you so you looked up at him. "Where was that for?" You smiled.

Max looked at you and smiled, remembering a quote of a tv show, you watched together. "I had a real crappy day and I needed it." He told you. You raised a brow. "B...but.." You spoke soft "Y/N, I love you.. Alot." He replied "Do you want to become my girlfriend?" He smiled at you. Nodding slowly at first, you realized what he had asked. "Y-yes... I do want to be your girlfriend." Kissing him, made you smile again. "My day just got less crappier." He smirked. You started to laugh and let go of him to give him some water. "You deserve some happiness in your life, Max." You told him. "You too." He took the water and took you in for a hug again. "So you come visit me more ofthen now?" He asked, getting a nod in response. "Ofcourse. I will come to the tracks as much as you like."

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