Carlos Sainz jr/Max Verstappen

822 9 0

word count: 372

Sitting down in Carlos' drivers room, you sighed loudly, tears burning behind your eyes. It was race weekend in Barcelona and you had it already difficult enough when it came to the race. Last year, your best friend Max had won the Grand Prix while being in the same team as your boyfriend Carlos. Now Max had switched places in the teasms with Daniil Kvyat and it didn't felt the same anymore for you. Carlos looked at you. "What's wrong, hermosa? Everything alright?" He smiled and sat down next to you. Looking up at him, you smiled soft "I just feel a little weird, y'know? I know Toro Rosso and Red Bull are the same but it still feels I am supporting two different teams." You told him, speaking honest. Carlos smirked soft, kissing the top of your head. "Ah, mami. Don't worry. Max is your best friend. It is normal to support him too." Taking you in his arms, he rubbed your shoulder. "Why so emotional, all of the sudden?" he asked worried. You started to blush soft. "It's my period." you whispered. "Okay, than I know what you need." He stood up and walked out of the door.

When the door opened again you saw Carlos again with not only Max behind him, they both carried some things in their arms. Carlos smiled and layed you down on the couch before laying a hot water bottle on your stomach and a blanket over your body. He kissed your forehead "There. I hope it helps." He smiled and sat at the seat next to his desk. Max smiled at you "I have your favourite chocolate and ice cream. I shall put it in the freezer and fridge." He told you. "On the desk, your favourite magazines are ready to be read in and both of our PA's are standing by to arrange more of it, when it's empty. Same counts for the lady things." You smiled wide "I love you guys."

Carlos smiled and stood next to Max now. "Oh and we promise we will bring the car and ourselves back in one piece." Max nodded "Yes, indeed." You smirked "Good, because you know what happens if you break that promise."

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